RDF In Wrath Discussion

I saw no more toxicity in rdf groups than I saw in pugs before it was added. I don’t perpetuate it nor do I ignore it. From these discussions I’ve learned that the way I used the rdf stopped 90% of toxic behavior. I had a good guild and friends. I’d ask in guild if anyone wanted to do dungeon x. I’d almost always get 1 or 2, sometimes more, people to join my group and then we’d join the rdf to fill out the group. I almost never joined the rdf solo. Since I didn’t have any toxic friends we didn’t do anything toxic and we were able to stop anything toxic from happening.

How did you use the rdf? Did you mostly join the queue solo or mostly with friends? Did you find joining with friends a different experience than joining solo? If you mostly joined the rdf queue solo why didn’t you join with friends? Didn’t you have a good guild or any friends who wanted to join the queue with you?

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RDF Cons:
Teleporting to dungeons.

Faster/easier group creation.

Those are mine, and the cons far outweigh the pros for me. XRealms on it’s own is the worst addition I know in WoW.


How are those cons tho?


You just suggested a retail solution to a problem that RDF would bring. So you tell me who’s a fish.

This is the real reason you made this inane, crap-stirring thread isn’t it? So you could get offended when people see through your disingenuous grandstanding. You are fooling no one.


missed some cons please add to be fair

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Lfg doesn’t ? But i have yet to have a toxic group on my server. Sure some groups fell apart, but no one’s been rude.

1.) You can still choose to assemble your own groups with the LFG tool and run there yourselves. I don’t see the teleporting to dungeon to be a bad thing because you can easily stay right at a pond fishing without having to fly back when you’re done with a dungeon, which is super useful if you’re the one who supplies the fish feast

2.) This is solved by adding the option to disable cross realm to the RDF tool. If you don’t want to deal with people outside of your realm just tick the box and then queue up. It can help people group up at odd hours (some people work odd hours), and helps people who play on low population servers get groups going.


What baby rage? Add RDF I don’t pve or care. I’m convinced blizzard hasn’t added it because it’s too much work for them.

I can’t ignore the daily QQ though. Irresistible!

These types of “choice” answers are not constructive in conversations.

Another choice answer…

The problem with these is that obviously no one would do it after it was implemented because they’d be intentionally putting themselves behind everyone else. So really you’re just disregarding the other person’s thought and feelings on the subject.

Well, even the OP put teleporting to dungeons kills PvP. And I’ve enjoyed the PvP, even last week at a couple stones, on my low/med pop server. It destroys a bit of world building/immersion too, when we use systems to teleport.

XRealms adds too much anonymity to players. I’m not sure if you can trade with them. You can’t invite them to your guild. You won’t see them again once they leave your group. There’s no reason to interact with them except as an advance to your dungeon activity.

I understand RDF is nice for some. But not me. The game feels soulless with RDF.


The game feels soulless now and we do not even have RDF, so this whole argument RDF is somehow responsible for it is false.


Its the same thing, pretty hypocritical to want one without the other, regardless its a discussion that belongs in retail forums not classic forums, see thats the thing, RDF is a retail feature that was implemented in the last half of Original wrath. Which btw in continuum is retail. RDF discussions are as meaningfull here as tmog or pet battles. The cold hard fact is that it is a retail feature not a classic feature, personal wants of entitlement or cryhard qol aside the devs have reiterated it.

Have you ever run a raid? Much different from running a dungeon, and when trying to organize 25 pugs for specific raid mechanics it gets hectic and half the LFRs I’ve dealt with ended up falling apart and disbanding half way through because of this problem. I just think for something as complicated as a raid it’s better to have a proper raid leader and get a group organized rather than just throw a group together that’s purely pug. I wouldn’t complain about LFR being in Classic WotLK, but I wouldn’t use it.

WotLK introduced RDF and we’re in Classic WotLK meaning this is a topic for Classic WotLK. I don’t get why you think this has anything to do with retail when we’re trying to talk about RDF being in CLASSIC WotLK.

The devs have said more recently that they’re much farther from not having RDF in Classic WotLK than they were before in the original post about it; your claims about the devs stating that it’s a retail feature makes no sense.

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I’ve played in original wrath spamming dungeons like crazy, and I’ve run countless dungeons on retail since using the rdf, I’ve rarely seen toxic behaviour. This is obviously just my opinion and personal experience, but I really think this idea of rdf promoting toxic behaviour is way overblown!


I just find it funny, people say rdf kills social interaction but my experiences right now (leveling a character) have been that it’s so hard to even get a group going in the first place, so you can’t get any kind of social interaction. It’s almost like some people would rather see the game die then accept rdf, which makes zero sense to me. Rdf was brought in originally for reasons that still exist in classic.

Hopefully things will be better at 80.


Yea I’m sorry but I fail to see these as negatives… if the world wasn’t already dead without RDF I’d maybe see the logic behind it.


Yes, baby-rage.


Dear retail Andys

Classic is not your side quest / mini game to mindlessly stroll through or get carried through while you wait for DF or DF content. Quit expecting an easy over-simplified game to fuel your ego or ease your boredom. But also, keep crying cause your tears are delicious


classic dungeons become viable runs again

They already are, everyday people uses chat and successfully find groups. What you want is everything handed to you.

rdf allows a very efficient way of mixing up questing and dungeon running.

Literally asking to have everything handed to you.

rdf allows a very efficient way of farming mats in the world and dungeon running.

Literally asking to have everything handed to you.

rdf gives people with limited play time the chance to maximize their gaming experience without spending hours spamming chat for a group.

Talking to others is actually a much better MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER experience than using randoms as quick disposables.

xrealm rdf enlarges the player pool for running all levels of dungeons making it quicker to get the run you want.

Literally asking to have everything handed to you again. Defeats the purposes of realms.

rdf makes guild runs more efficient and makes it easy to pug that last slot you are missing.

Again asking to be handed everything on silver plates (or spoons if anyone cares).

xrealm rdf allows players to meet players they would never have the chance to meet without it.

At the cost of making people egotistical trash that sees everyone disposable, the con is much worse than the benefit.

it allows players who like constant dungeon grind to do so much more efficiently

Once again asking for humans to become disposable tools for your selfishness.

it allows folks like me and my guildies to hop on our tanks and healers and help others of our faction to get runs in xrealm rdf, lifting up the entire faction.

If they aren’t learning teamwork because they have disposable high level healers/tanks you aren’t lifting them, you are bringing the whole teamwork of the faction down. LOL

rdf gave me the opportunity to meet new folks and turn a guild of 5 into a guild of over 300 great people. some that i talk to still, 15 years later. i stood in guildies real life weddings, one of my guildies is my sons godfather, and several of those in my guild met through rdf and have been married for over a decade.

Gonna call this the stupidiest one yet, for every RDF u met you missed someone on your realm. “Going on facebook made the meet people” yes, while missing your neighbours. RDF doesnt give you anything social that wasnt there already.

rdf limits gatekeeping

Keeping the playerbase skill lower with disposables instead of teaching teammork. Clap clap, genius.

rdf helps to bypass gdkp’s and tanks selling runs.

No it doesnt.

rdf makes it more efficient when chasing dungeon achievements.

Once again, disposables = less teamwork improvement = less achivs.

rdf provided me a way to share my knowledge of tanking and of dungeons with new players and have fun introducing them to new runs.

Same can be done without RDF, RDF didnt provide anything that wasnt possible before. Straight up lie.

rdf helps people realize they dont have to be a thousand member faceless guild, they can get runs without being a faceless number.

RDF literally turns ppl into faceless numbers as they become temporary human controlled NPCs.

rdf GUARANTEES every person that ques a run, no other tool provides that.

False, shortage of tanks/healers never stopped from being a thing.

Every point can be reduced to one of these:

  • “I want to experience this GROUP DESIGNED THING as a SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCE” (Hedonism, egotistical, destroys the social aspect of group based events)
  • “I am chatty and met people from other servers while ignoring the ones on my server”
  • “I am claiming this happens without any evidence, despite there being evidence of the contrary for like a decade of decaying social quality on wow”

RDF is bad. Lying is bad. And trying to turn social things into single player things is bad.

RDF is Good. Lying is bad and you just lied. Trying to make the game more social by adding RDF is Good. The game 1-79 is a single player game right now, RDF would transform it into a social game for people who want that.