RDF for WOTLK. Yes or no and why?

So because I disagree you, I’m a troll? Sound logic

So you don’t play classic WotLK, gotcha.


I quit WoW before you were potty trained.

Or vanilla or TBC Classic for that matter. Leveling dungeons and the non dailies were just as dead there a few months after release.


Nah, that’s not why, but if that’s what you wanna take away from it go ahead.

Uh huh.

Sound logic, tell me your thought process? What insanity has brought you to this conclusion?

Because if you played the actual game you’re trying to ruin you’d know that dungeons outside of betas aren’t done.

And what’s the point of that?

There’s nothing else to take away from it, your just some commoner on the forums who disagrees with facts.

Does this mean you see yourself as… nobility? Or what?

you’re* btw.

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Me too. Do you want a cookie?

Nah, I like facts. Cognitive disconnects and “this reasoning works when I use it but not when it’s used back at me” gives me a good chuckle.

Glad we got flying as a wrath feature during TBC though. Same with Heirlooms too. Following your “logic”

Don’t mean to derail your trolling, keep going don’t let me stop you.

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Sees themselves as a forum troll that will argue to no end. Likely isn’t actively leveling any toons on Classic WOTLK and will refuse to. But then say there is no current existing problem warranting the need for RDF. Thus their opinion means nothing and is of no value.

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If they had purpose they’d be run. They serve no purpose.

Dungeons WERE part of the gearing system.
Now, boe raid epics drop in dungeons so the AH has em cheap
You can pvp for 20 minutes and get 213 weapons
Wow, your 4200 gs now? Go do H++ and get ready to raid.

You’re talking about leveling?

Dungeons are terrible xp
I can finish half of barrens in the time it takes to do one wailing caverns
Questing yields gold which new players want
Alt levelers use boost services when they’re tired of leveling alts manually

That and retail converts like me…use what we got. CTA weekends are part of leveling work up now. As are BG’s during the week.

Ofc there are odd side effects to that. Like the fact I think I am supposed to care in a match gone to crap I am supposed to care about getting 5 capped in AB. I kind of…don’t.

Its some xp faster. I’d take a win ofc. But 5 caps are really quick to have some morbid appeal.

I’ll take 5 cap loss xp. Its better than questing. Like last night. The s. priest reported for duty to Tauren Mills. And I wish I was making this up…I made half my xp for level 25 killing spiders.

That spider ichor for an elixir quest would not drop for a good long while. I’ll take 5 caps over rng hell.

It’s cute you’re trying to act smart on a forum, sadly you are far from hitting the mark

I enjoy leveling alts through dungeons, having RDF wouldn’t affect you in any negative way and only us positively. What is your issue against that truly? you just wanna be a karen all your life and crap on anything that would give somebody else happiness? Because that’s how you sound.

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That’s great except noone is debating whether dungeons are faster exp or better gold than solo leveling.


They have nothing else they can argue with lol their argument is so invalid they themselves don’t even believe it so they resort to being a prick instead. No surprise there!

Phone typing btw

And nobility? No, just far above commoners who spew nonsense on the forums, who don’t do research, who use rose tinted feeling to justify misremembered nonsense.

I was explaining why nobody does dungeons.

Ah why bother, you’re one of the dumbest people on the forums

blah blah blah go sit in a corner you dirty little troll nobody cares about your opinion on here you don’t even level characters on WOTLK and assume everybody wants to play the game how you play it.