If they even want feedback at this point in wrath sure. I think it’s less player complaint based and more game health that factors into the devs decisions.
Honestly I very much think that RDF is too hard tied to the ICC release that it wasn’t realistic to release it prior. Regardless it hasn’t hindered me greatly in gearing at 80 but the leveling dungeons bit was regularly a pain to work with and I leveled as a tank.
I think options are good things. Hopefully blizzard thinks so too.
I don’t struggle forming dungeon groups myself, I always level as a healer or a tank. Admittedly the few times I leveled pure DPS classes I did struggle to find a tank or healer more often than not.
Usually once you have a tank or a healer in a group its easier to convince people. I’m also not afraid to /who people within my lvl range and beg the possible tank classes to come tank. So personally I don’t need coaching on building a community. But I shouldn’t have to do that. We shouldn’t have to go to those lengths to form a group when the technology for it to be automated existed in patch 3.3.5 and we are well within patch 3.4 which never existed in a capacity within WOTLK.
Right! This is the heart of the difference of opinion, imo.
“I shouldn’t have to build community”
This is exactly why it’s a subjective opinion, and there’s no right or wrong side to be on.
You want RDF? Good for you and good luck getting what you want.
I personally don’t think it is a benefit to the play experience overall, and that’s coming from someone who literally dungeon grinded on 4 toons to max level in WoW Classic, 2 more in TBC Classic and 3 more in Wrath Classic.
I had 6 - 60s on Classic, 3- 60s on SoM, 3-70s in TBC, 4-80s in WOTLK soon a 5th.
Raided on each toon to end game. I work from home so I’ve had more free time than I could imagine to waste on this game.
Dungeon grinded probably well over 90% of my toons as well.
RDF would’ve been great to have during that time. But right now, when it actually existed before the current patch we are on. Is specifically when it should exist, although it does not. Though proof the tech exists is there with cross realm PvP queues.
Frankly I wish blizzard would just reply to all this and finally give us an answer. I’d much rather discuss it with them then any of the player base any further. Since the argument from the beginning makes no sense, they should just add it. Benefits everybody and hurts nobody. It’s not like they’re adding Raid Finder, they’re adding Dungeon Finder.
There is no valid argument for it to not exist. Anything people do list just proves they are not actively leveling new toons and are going off the memory they have of when the servers were actually alive. Right now dungeon leveling is dead in the water, even the boosters are gone.
They did reply and said NO. It wasn’t in original release and they wanted to keep it close to the same. BUT then again, WoW coins weren’t available but they made it so. So, wishy washy?
I don’t disagree that it would make sense to have Dungeon Finder in the game around the same content release as it was initially introduced, if they intended to introduce it at all.
However, I’m curious as to what problems it aims to solve and for who?
People who like leveling character after character can probably have more fun playing Classic Era or HC Era, neither of which have Dungeon Finder, or Retail (yuck Retail, I suppose?) which has Dungeon Finder.
Is there enough of a demand for people who enjoy leveling character after character that also want to do so with nerfed Wrath content where leveling dungeons are trivial and completely faceroll?
It brings up a bunch of questions, like what specifically about Wrath do you like or enjoy?
What about Dungeon Finder are you hoping will solve your problems? Is it the automation? Is it the group finding?
Would your issues be solved by a cross-realm and/or cross faction instanced group finder, that is not automated?
Or if it’s end-game content, perhaps by level boosts?
Or is the point being made that some people just want to play through character after character of Wrath-difficulty-level leveling dungeons?
Wrath dungeon leveling when RDF came out was peak dungeon grinding experience especially if you had herilooms with enchants. Stats were boosted, rewards were higher and you got to meet people even from your own realm to continue queuing with along the way too. Because you can still have dungeon grinding guilds, they can queue as a 5stack or however stack and get instant pops. What’s not to like? Is it too much fun detected so you must karen the crap out of it?
Well it’s not the original experience! We get to experience original Wrath here in classic with alpha and beta dungeons, single patch talents, buffs to classes, Ulduar being relevant through ToGC, waiting until ICC for RDF, queue anywhere BGs, same faction BGs and so much more.
If you want to know what things were in the original, check out the wrath 3.x patch notes on wiki and see how authentic the experience is.