It’s the people commenting as if their opinion holds any value, such as you right now. Whom won’t even bother leveling a new toon to see what my point is. It’s insufferable to level right now. Cut those raid numbers by half or even a 3rd since majority of people have raid alts not to mention the amount of boosting services that have multiple toons stacked to the moon to provide their services at a high degree. Raider numbers are likely 1/3rd of whats actually reported. That has nothing to add onto the levelers.
We just was RDF for levelers. If you’re already level 80, this will not affect you in any way. You can still queue independently for your H or H+++. RDF would help people get into H+++ and raiding a lot quicker than any other process would. This only benefits the playerbase. The people arguing against this are likely not even playing the game or just trolling for post counts. There’s no better way to describe it. You’d have to be a buffoon to be against RDF.
"To be completely honest, [the Looking For Group tool] is a feature I wanted in the game when we launched the game. I was really unhappy when we didn’t have it when we first shipped, so it’s been 5 years coming. Maybe it wasn’t the number one thing I wanted in, but it’s definitely one of the top 5 things that I wanted in the game. It’s actually our third try at a proper LFG tool, and this one gets it right. With the Meeting Stones, we didn’t put enough attention into it, we just tried to jam it in, and people didn’t use it. The second tool, it ended up being compromised feature – we tried to cater to too many different audiences.
As for the community question, I used to … I think that 5 years ago, I would have answered this question differently than I would today. I was all about preserving the small realm communities, but already… Well, look at Battlegrounds, it’s a good case in point, because it doesn’t diminish social relationships that matter on a realm. Sure, everyone can bring up “that one guy” that they know, the ninja looter who stole his stuff. But I think your real community isn’t the whole realm, but it’s your guild and the friends you group with, and the cross-server LFG won’t undermine that at all. The Dungeon Finder – by the way, I think we just renamed it the Dungeon Finder last night – We designed it in such a way that it serves the need for guilds and groups and friends. You don’t have to always [join a Pick-Up Group]. If there are four guildies in a group who just need a fifth, they can do that. You can also use it if even you have a full five-person party.
Or, you can do it if you’re on your own and just want to run something, so I don’t think it diminishes it at all" -Rob Pardo
Was wanted prior to Wrath and had it been ready more than likely would have been implemented prior to ICC release as well.
They also talk about getting a reward for being a leader.
I spent a great deal of my WoW Classic and TBC Classic playtime heavily involved in, or leading Dungeon Leveling guilds. Something that definitely benefitted from not having Dungeon Finder in the game.
Go level a new toon right now, I’d give you a $1000 cash if you could efficiently farm dungeons to lvl 80. You simply cannot, even as a tank. There are brackets you get into where you can’t find a healer for hours. We need cross realm dungeon finder at this point in the expansion it already existed. We are well past build 3.3.5 and we already have cross realm BGs activated. They are simply cucking us, why? idk why… they never reply, only the forum discord mod trolls that live on here will argue tooth and nail over something they haven’t bothered to experience in its current fashion because they’re too busy scouring the forums for that next forum post.
The opinion of a forum troll holds zero value within any topic regarding RDF. You have nearly spent a year of your life on these forums by looking at your profile. Go outside.
No thank you, but this isn’t a new conversation really. People always say the same things, and insist that they actually enjoy leveling in dungeons, don’t want to play Retail with Dungeon Finder, and would totally level and be having more fun “if only x” (in this case Dungeon Finder).
So roll a healer.
We haven’t had Dungeon Finder at all throughout the Classic Series, and it seems to be doing fine. We are currently in Summer, and still see the numbers of unique player characters logging raids rivaling the peak times of WoW Classic and TBC Classic according to
People are saying that Classic Era has been lively, and HC Era has injected some life into the old world, particularly for those who enjoy leveling through the old world, and who seemingly prefer not spamming dungeons.
While personally, my leveling playstyle has always been that I prefer dungeon spamming,
Not really. There are some people who like to say that they would enjoy the game more if they added Dungeon Finder, and they are pretty noisy about it, but we have already gone down that road, and these same people don’t want to play the version of the game that has added the convenience features they’ve asked for (Retail). Perhaps this time, we don’t follow that same path, and we see where our new path leads us.
Does it always have to be ad hominem? “You don’t agree with me, so you are a forum troll.”
RDF benefits everybody and hurts no one. Not wanting RDF is just idiotic. There are many realms where leveling is very hard to do when you are someone that prefers dungeons over questing or spamming BGs fighting twinks.
If you are against RDF you are a troll, because you can’t give any good reason as to why it shouldn’t exist. Your arguments are nothing and hold no value.
The fact that you probably haven’t even leveled a toon in months proves you know nothing about what people are discussing. Listing raider information is just BS that has nothing to do with levelers. Most of those are probably alts anyway and who knows how many bots/accounts are made just to be sold out of those numbers by nefarious people.
Want proof of what I listed above? simply go see how many accounts are listed for sale on sites and you’ll see. Thousands of raid ready characters ready to go.
Current works just fine - no issues finding groups but if you all want RDF knock yourself out - but if they put it in, people will just complain " dps queue is too long", “takes forever to find tanks or heals”, “the people joining are terrible dps and Blizzard needs to fix this” - you know – all the non-sense that has been spouted for years after RDF was added.
Well to be fair - they are true before RDF was released, but I should have been a bit more on-point to say, it won’t solve any of the issues people are really having it will just be different complaints or the same ones and how Blizzard didn’t implement RDF correctly or they are horrible at this or that, etc.
They are asking blizzard to program for human behaviors - something very difficult to do.
idc if I need to carry 3 DPS that are AFK and its just me tanking and a healer. The incentives and buffs provided by RDF are well worth the struggle. Most dungeons can be 2manned anyway until the level 70s bracket where its actually more challenging.
Would still let me teleport to the dungeon, get bonus XP for completion and a 15% buff i think it was? or more ? can’t remember exactly. Not to mention the satchels for being tank or healer. I’m all for it.
I am not saying I’m for or against - I don’t care it just won’t solve the brunt of the issues people are complaining about – People like to think it will but it won’t (imo).
During WOTLK. When it originally came out. I never hit max level during that time. I think I was still in the 60s. When RDF came out, I remember it being some of the best memories in WoW I ever had. A friend that I continued to play with until late Cataclysm I had met thanks to RDF. He paid for my server transfer and we played together for a long time. When I finally hit max lvl we did 2s together. I would’ve never met him if it wasn’t for RDF.
I agree that this does seem to be what some people are asking for yeah, and for sure can’t program for that 100%.
I think it just stems from people wanting options in group formation. People will complain regardless, this is WoW after all, and if there are people here pushing for RDF that would then complain about the wait after its addition to the game, well they weren’t gonna be happy anyway lmao.
For sure people complaining has been a constant throughout the history of WoW!
I guess part of the job the devs have is trying to assess which complaints are worth listening to.
Aside: I’ve met some people through Cross Realm grouping for instances PvP content, and since there are items from raids that are great for PvP, there have been times when it would be nice to be able to group cross cream for the instanced PvE content also.
There are reasons given for any opinion on subjective matters. It’s up to the listener to decide whether they listen.
I’m not a huge fan of automated group matchmaking for instanced content for a couple of reasons, notably:
it decreases any need for interaction, which feels relatively hollow, and it isn’t necessarily clear whether I’m playing with NPCs or real people.
we cannot group with people we meet in Dungeon Finder automated groups who are from different realms on purpose for more dungeons during another session, or other content, such as raids or group quests
the need for server-specific dungeon leveling guild communities diminishes
Anyway, it’s just subjective opinions and nothing that hasn’t been stated before.
There is already zero interaction, go level a new toon and try to form a dungeon. Good Luck.
They’ve already added a way to invite people for PvP BG queues cross realm. Likely that they would add some function to allow that to work with RDF as well. If they don’t, It’s a compromise I’d be willing to deal with.
There is no server specific dungeon leveling guild communities, go look. Clearly you aren’t participating in any leveling lmao.
What do you do and where do you play? Shall we play together and I’ll show you how to form dungeon groups or build a dungeon leveling community while leveling new toons?