What if we got Random Dungeon Finder for old content only? So for Wrath the cut-off would be lv70 TBC Heroics. I feel like a lot of what is salting the wound for people is that they want to level via dungeons. Finding groups for dungeons and running to them, as a low level, feels punishing. its old content. let us have RDF.
That defeats the purpose of the paid character boosts so obviously it is not happening.
Let that one sink in.
I mean I get your point but boosts are capped to 1 per Acc so what’s the point?
Easy. Most people fund multiple accounts. It is extremely common. More accounts = $60 a pop plus $15 a month.
no “most people” do not. I could see it being as high as 20% of the classic base but that is not most. If they just want to sell boosts they should just put it at $20 a pop and win.
It is more like 80% of the player base, if I am being completely honest.
Why in the world would they sell boosts at $20 when everyone is going to pay $60? This is a business. Did you think Wrath classic was for your ultimate enjoyment? If that were the case RDF would have been in.
But it isn’t.
It makes leveling alts way too easy, and easy alt leveling is bad for quarterly income.
Are you new to blizzard? I’ve been here since day 1, I know every trick in the book.
Dude, you literally don’t need a character of every class at cap, man.
Like you actually don’t.
All of us out here in the boonies are really proud of what we accomplished when we got our characters, of the classes that we chose, to max level – and there was a process we went through in order to have access to a character of that class/profession at cap.
If you want access to that same accomplishment, then you should be prepared to expend the same amount of effort that we did.
It’s the same reason why boosts were a major punch in the face, dude – but I expect you supported that too. : P
look dude I don’t care why you’re staning to be a Blizz shill. You post as if you’re the best classic player with the most knowledge. You aren’t. Neither am I. What I do know is that WoW became more accessible to the masses after RFD went live and sub numbers went up once again after they had flattened out. Cata killed WoW, not RDF.
That’s the classic player meta.
It’s what differentiates classic players and pserver players. Classic players need everything and an endless supply of gear and gold to be satisfied.
Bruh… I’m actually extremely against boosting in classic and in retail. Please try to be an adult and don’t make inferences you know nothing about.
Well guess what cowboy, you aren’t getting RDF.
To think that I am a blizzard shill. Lol. I am the hardest on blizzard as a company on this entire forum. I unveil all of their tricks, however most choose not to believe.
You can be upset with me if you like, but you don’t have RDF, and it isn’t for your enjoyment. It’s for your money
You realize they’re doing seasons, right?
Like if you want to level a new character, level it in a place where other people want to do that too.
We played classic, paid boosts ruined everything, we played TBC, and now we’re playing wrath – we’re doing that on the same characters we made in classic’s first wave (or else we’re rerolling, man. But that’s on you imo.)
That’s what I, as a classic enthusiast, wanted to do, even if blizzard kinda mucked it up.
Yeah you know what would make that a really cool and tangible experience? RDF
Yeah? It would. And?
RDF doesn’t bring in money
Hang on both of you. What I don’t understand is why you two aren’t playing Vanilla Classic right now? You loooooove it so much yea? So stop trying to kill wrath and play your grindfest game you love and try to make everything else.
Clearly not.
Guess what the difference is : P
I am playing, until Everlook ofc. What does that have anything to do with what I stated? I’m not trying to kill wrath. I simply answered your question why RDF is not here.
Got anything else for me?
Dude you’ve been trolling this forum for the last like 16 days? Could you possibly shill a little quieter?
Can you quote anything I have said in the last 16 days that isn’t factual?
That’s kinda not the point tho bro