"RDF caused WoW to lose subs" argument

Well, I mean, judging from what you and others say, the first time around, Wrath was killed.

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There were a few interviews from back in the day and earlier in the announcements for Wrath Classic that said there was a lot of internal debate about the feature.

They went one way back then going the other way now.

I don’t know what others say. You’re inventing things I’ve said.

I’m still just waiting for you to explain why RDF is bad for the game.

Seems like a waste of time. You seem to think your expectations of something I will do matter to me.

So you’re making a claim that you refuse to support?

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We can’t know what data Blizzard has in the background, but for them to release Wotlk Classic WITHOUT one of its major features (even if it was added in late) should be pretty telling.

Lots of pro-RDFers on these forums seem convinced they’re in the majority. Have you ever considered that you might not be? A few hundred forum threads does not a plurality make.

If RDF was actually what the majority of Wotlk Classic players wanted, don’t you think Blizzard would include it?

The fact that they’re specifically avoiding doing so for the re-release of their most beloved expansion of all time tells me their backend data from their surveys and focus groups has shown them RDF is not a feature the majority of Wotlk Classic players want, full stop. Is that not the obvious conclusion to draw from this decision?

Either that or they’re putting RDF in their back pocket and fully intend on releasing it in a later phase of Wotlk Classic and always have intended to do so, in order to try to get a resurgence of Wotlk Classic players to return after Dragonflight comes out and loses its new smell feel.

But that’s a little tinfoil hattish heh

RDF = No Sales from Boosts

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And I’ll let you in on a secret, you aren’t important to the people you pug with. Chat pugging vs RDF doesn’t change that.

Lmao what? Then why did they put Joyous Journeys in the game???

Have you seen boosts going on lately? Yes?

That buff doesn’t affect levelling the same way as RDF would.

At the end of the day, if it wasn’t about the boosts, then they would put RDF in for 1-70 at the minimum, since their boost skips that content anyway.

RDF does not make leveling more fun. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

RDF would not cut into the number of people who are willing to pay Blizzard for boosts… but also, boosts are limited in Classic WoW.

You can only buy one boost per account.

Hmm… I consider leveling when i can mix dungeons in a lot more fun than solo leveling in the world.

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This 100% subjective.

Yes, it would. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see this.

That’s true. However, that doesn’t prove anything I said wrong.


That’s fair, to each their own. I don’t like dungeons, and spamming RDF dungeons has never been enjoyable for me as a method of leveling.

That doesn’t change the fact that you can literally only buy one boost per account in Classic. Making the whole “Blizzard doesn’t want to add RDF so they can sell boosts” argument pretty invalid.

How does it not? Lmao, we’re looking for a reason for why Blizzard doesn’t add in RDF here. YOU have claimed they won’t add in RDF because they want to sell boosts. But we can literally look and see that not only has Blizzard added a 50% joyous journeys buff to exp gains in direct counter to this idea that they’re looking to sell as many boosts as possible… they’ve also LIMITED the number of boosts anyone can buy to ONE.

So your argument that Blizzard wants to sell boosts and won’t include RDF because it’ll make players buy more boosts is in fact invalid.

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I agree.

Only blizz has the real info but we can speculate the data must be pretty convincing given their conviction.

It could be a “majority” don’t want it. Or it could be a “majority” do want it, but not enough to swing Blizzard’s decision. Perhaps they overlay that with other data to reach this conclusion. They have to weigh whether they will lose money. In reality, all these people on the forums are causing a lot of strife but they are still paying. Blizzard may know from history that this particular player base pays -because- they are unhappy. Sort of like addiction. Or maybe they want to flip their player base on its head and foster an environment for the other kind of players to return that built a more healthy community from the 'olden days.

…don’t get me wrong, WoW has never had a “good” community, but it was certainly different in a good way before.

Also possible but lets hope they don’t ruin the game again. There’s a chance they fork their old bad decisions and stick to their conviction. Why I have that hope is it would have been easier on them to announce they’d release it later; but they haven’t. They’ve said, “…it’s never coming…”. That’s awesome!

I like when people use specific design features, most of which are end game focused, when the majority of all the subs that ever existed never even made it close to the level cap.

Firstly, Joyous Journeys, to my knowledge, may not be in the game come Lich King’s launch. The boosts, however, will remain in the game, likely until Cataclysm releases (if they choose to do this)

This was not added as a direct-counter to any points - case in point, they added it to Retail, as well, and first, I may add.

The number of allowed boosts is irrelevant - the fact that Blizzard is allowing for any player, at any time, to skip the majority of content contradicts any reason to not allow for RDF to be in for at least 1-70.

Not to mention, the boosting nerfs coming out right around the time they released their own boost.

That wasn’t a secret