Where? Where do you all see this at and why do I keep seeing this argument pop up? Ive been researching this claim for about an hour now and each graph I see shows WoW gaining subs until it stagnates out at 12m until 2 months into Cata.
Am I stupid? Blind? Dumb? A Hunter? I need some closure.
We know, there is a list of debunked anti-RDF arguments floating around somewhere. So silly that Blizzard decided this was the hill they were going to die on… and so sad that they didn’t do some thorough research before making the decision in a way that makes it so hard to back off of and save face.
You’re a troll because you’ve brought no constructive points to the table and you are spouting obvious bait. Where’s your proof that RDF killed the game? Sources?
For the sake of anyone with two neurons firing that happens to read this… sub counts didn’t drop until a YEAR AFTER rdf was implemented and several months into CATA… the Anti-RDF people don’t like talking about the year gap… or the impossible to miss fact that CATA caused the drop in subs, not RDF lol.
You want to talk about class homogenization killing wow? Lets talk.
You want to talk about the sudden leap in content difficulty in Cata causing many folks used to the easy train of Wrath to leave before it was patched? Lets talk.
You want to say that LFR caused the end game to become cheap… lets talk.
You want to say that class identity was lost due to homogenization… let’s talk.
You want to say that gaming culture changed from “going on an adventure and learn as you go” to “watch this guide on your class, follow these steps for min/max meta RAWR” and ruined WoW… lets talk.
RDF though? Literally only helps people leveling alts or perhaps min/maxers the first few weeks of release. Stupid hill to die on.
RDF is garbage. People don’t have to go into great detail because Blizzard is already not putting it in the game. Don’t have to convince anyone. Blizzard already released an awesome experience. 100’s of people complaining in the forums. Thousands of people having a great time in the game.
You aren’t missing anything WoW gained subs between the release of RDF and Cata launch. It didn’t start losing subs until months into Cata when several bad design decisions that had nothing to do with RDF became issues.
For now, it’s fine, it’s just a makeshift patch work on a sinking ship. Once we get into wrath, this will change dramatically as we go through the phases to gatekeeping achievement runs.
Wrath will do great because it’s a good game. Ship won’t be sinking till this expansion is over. What’s awesome is they have no plans to release RDF even when ICC comes out. I’m glad they won’t ruin the game again…
Yep it only seems kind of okay right now because people are leveling in preparation for wrath launch and on new realms. Once wrath proper hits and people have been 80 for a couple weeks we’ll be right back to raid logging and dungeoning will go back to being miserable.