RCR - Tribunal

lol i did answer, why are you so hesitant to answer?

you asked for clarification, i gave it

( they all serve the same function )

so my question to your quote of

do you also support the ‘blacklist’? What ‘type’ makes zero difference.

you mean me? um ok, not sure how you would get one for asking a simple question.

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You want leniency for bad actors. Sorry, but rcr is fine and there is nothing needing a “resolution”. There is no need for “middle ground”.

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We have individuals on this very forum that view people reporting automated spam to be abusing the system.

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ok let me re-phrase if REAL abuse not abuse made up in someone’s head happens.

I wouldn’t say leniency, but definitely not kicking their character out of the game. Besides, we have yet to define “bad,” and I don’t think we ever can. Even the stuff I perceive as bad behavior usually isn’t enough to cause a big reaction in me. I ignore it and move on. And if it’s personal/targeted harassment, it’s worth reporting, for the record.

But someone’s language bothers you in a public channel so they have to be squelched? No. That’s insanity. We have so many ways to get around seeing other people’s chat, there is no need to remove them from the game world.

Man, I got a 3-hour suspension back in 2006 for saying “butt” (but the other word, which starts with an A and ends with an S and is censored on this forum) in a battleground. It was the first action against my account for any reason, in fact the only one because I’m fairly conscientious. I mean, in this case it was inflammatory for sure, I was angry at someone and told them to get their head out of their… bum. At no time did I feel it was an inappropriate response to someone doing clearly dumb things and wasting everybody’s time in a battleground. (The rest of the team was also angry with him, I wasn’t being a complete turd.)

That guy, or I guess anyone who doesn’t like the phrase I used, had to have taken the time to open a ticket and everything, this was before any right click report function. Imagine that x1000 in Classic. This is going to be an extremely social experience where you will HAVE to interact with different kinds of people. There is bound to be conflict, and people will absolutely abuse this feature.

I love ffxiv, but if you want a sterile community, go play that game. :neutral_face:


I can’t stand those addons. I fiercely judge anyone with spammy addons, whether it’s rare announcements or DBM yells (and I also use DBM!). I still… don’t think anyone should be kicked offline for using them and never bothering to configure them. Seems harsh?

What about a report spam feature that can squelch someone, but a separate ignore feature that will temporarily ignore the whole account until the next time you log off? (Similar to what report spam does right now.) That might be good???

Precisely this. This SJW crusade is the death of humor.

Here’s the thing though: nobody is supporting “removing “ players from the game world. IIRC blizzard has stated it is not an intended event.

It’s so refreshing to see another rational human being argue against the censorship touting little commies.

There, sadly, may not be enough these days to quell the tide of indoctrinated snowflakes.

RCR is pure garbage. If you think it’s necessary it’s your own insecurity and immaturity to blame.


One of many reasons to not play on an RP server.

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By solving a non existent problem?

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Uhhhhhhh. Ok, so after reading all this guy’s posts so far, I just want to say he does not represent the Merze-Proudmoore movement of anti-RCR. He’s on the fringes, probably brandishing a shotgun. Probably right now.

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RCR is going to really destroy the community.

It’ll be like retail where no one says anything because the moment you say something you can be reported in the automated system that silences competition.

Bad idea. Classic wow did not have this speech police, and we don’t need it. This isn’t 1984 book.



Once again, I am not saying people should be bumped offline, nor has it been said to be intentional.

The snowflake generation is here! Make way, make way, for the children of kingdom

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No, it’s not. The people giving a reason to use RCR are what’s going to destroy the community.

And Blizzard was specific that abusing RCR results in action against THE ABUSER’S ACCOUNT.

Stop making up imaginary situations where it’s going to be abused, because in all the time it’s existed, it hasn’t been an issue.

At least you acknowledge that it is happening. It’s crazy to me that people are denying any of these issues even exist.

I only acknowledge that people have claimed it is happening. I agree that it shouldn’t happen, and as far as I know, blizzard actually stated that it shouldn’t be happening.

If folks want to create a thread that specifically speaks about the alleged bumps offline I would be all for it, as that is a bug. However I am still quite supportive of the intended function of the RCR as it is presently designed.

People want proof. Have you seen the internet? Either trolls or hypersensitive people can abuse it. That doesn’t mean it should go away, but can’t there be threshold? Like 3 reports in a certain time period gets you squelched. Also, the reverse. There should be a limit to how much one person can report in before they trigger a review by the GM. Like, “You’ve been reporting a lot, so lets look at what you’ve been reporting.”. If everything looks good, then they can have their report threshold increased. Hopefully it isn’t* a huge issue.

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Good one? About what I’d expect from someone like you. Condescension sprinkled with incompetence.