So you are saying they should be able to continue to spout their racism/homophobia/hate speech unhindered until a GM can get around to the ticket ?
I guess, if a ticket even gets opened. Ignoring these people works very well because they thrive on your reaction to what they are saying. Apply this IRL too. I tell you, it works! Sometimes I don’t even put them on my ignore list, since there’s a limitation on that. I just click out of my trade chat tab and go on with my life. Worst case is, I see what they are saying, and then… I continue to ignore it.
I mean, maybe that’s unacceptable to some people, but I think forcing any player offline without “due process” (ugh this sounds nerdy but whatever) is unacceptable.
And that works good for you. But for the community as a whole it’s not that good.
Well I think that’s the point of this discussion, to reach some middle ground. Obviously everyone in these threads is just becoming more and more entrenched in their own beliefs, so it’s not working out, but hey maybe someone wicked smart is reading this and will figure out a resolution.
Oh RCR is what it it is and will be in Classic, any changes won’t come until I would guess at least Phase 3 or later. Anything before that is well planned out. IF abuse becomes a thing then I’ll support a compromise but I am almost 100% sure that it will not be abused and this will be a non-issue.
You are an optimist. I think the classic version of WoW is going to lend itself to a LOT more player interaction, so we are essentially headed into uncharted waters. We’ve never had a tool like this before as players, and we are about to embark on some contentious territory.
Hey if it was being abused in live (it’s not) then I would be on the other side of this argument, but as it’s the best solution to cleaning up the WoW community in game I support it in it’s current state.
Classic is a completely different game. Players will be fighting over resources and ganking each other. Guilds will actually have rivalries and players will actively try to screw each other over. There are no handouts or infinite resources.
Also, you shouldn’t hold the power to “clean up” the community. People are going to be biased and abuse that privilege. Just like how an earlier RCR argument I had posted was flagged and auto-removed just a few hours ago. There was no racism, homophobia, or hatred in that post. There was an argument against RCR, and people like yourself didn’t like it. Now, I can live with my posts being deleted because some are immature and petty, however, I don’t want to be punished just because I’m grabbing all of the black lotuses before you.
And I highly doubt that you will get punished for grabbing the black lotus, I’m sad I missed your argument (I definitely did not report it)
so you think the Classic community is worse than the Current community and/or the community since BC?
do you also support the 'blacklist"?
I love the Classic community. However, I’m worried about the countless BfA players that will be coming because of the shared subscription. I won’t generalize them, as many are great people. However, some have standards and expectations that clash with the spirit of Vanilla.
What specific blacklist are you talking about?
It’s not about the community so much as the circumstances of the game and the environment. Classic WoW is a game that a lot of people either never played or haven’t played in many, many years. It will be a fresh/new experience no matter who you are.
I genuinely believe that most players are not ready for the grief they will encounter. It may be perceived as malicious, hey, it may actually be malicious. Whatever the case, no one should be mass reported and punished over it. Conflict is going to find you. It might be about loot, resources, talent choices… It might be an agonizing 4-hour Sunken Temple run that has everyone on edge and DID YOU SERIOUSLY JUST LOSE AGGRO AGAIN TANK I’M DYING BACK HERE, OH THE TANK’S ASLEEP, HEY HEALER WTF
Hey. It could happen to anyone. That’s all I’m saying. lol
then it won’t be a massive problem
specific? there is more than one? and in any case , does not change my question.
I don’t understand how you expect me to answer your question if you won’t clarify. Show some courtesy, at the very least.
I’m guessing you’re talking about server blacklists which were managed on realm forums? My realm had that but no one took it seriously at all. We all know who the ‘bad eggs’ were and they eventually transferred to other realms or rerolled and behaved themselves. I dunno.
lol its a very simple question, not sure the hesitation to answer, and I did clarify
do you also support the ‘blacklist’? (only one that is referred to and they all serve the same function)
Server blacklists? Guild blacklists? Player blacklists? Streamer blacklists? Can you please clarify?
Again, I can’t answer the question if I don’t know what it is.
Edit: It looks like you are copy-pasting and refuse to answer. I hope other BfA players are less rude than you are.
not sure what your hesitation is, but (only one that is referred to and they all serve the same function),
do you also support the ‘blacklist’? ( they all serve the same function)
lol this guy’s nuts. Definitely going to get a squelch or two, mister.
The question is pretty straight forward. Do you support Player Blacklists?