RCR - Tribunal

I want to suggest that the RCRs on a person when the automated system procs and causes a punishment be sent to a database where players may review it.
This idea is based similarly to League of Legends “Tribunal”, where players can view the texts input by the player(s) leading up to the decision to be automatically disconnected and then squelched. If a situation occurs that the player was squelched maliciously, then the reviewer of the event can choose to reverse the process potentially punishing the false accusers. There would also be a button if the accusers did report accordingly to just jump to the next report and confirm that the RCR feature was used accordingly.

Though to keep it a fair practice (to make it fool proof) multiple players would get the same RCR database entry to vote on. Those that reported the same as many others (and not just carelessly chose wrong) could be subject to earning rewards. Also reviewers could never get any reports to review of known friends on their lists or anyone from their server for that matter.

Rewards could be as simple as being directly awarded game time to their current sub, or even stored so that they could activate it when they need it. For an example; You review 10 RCRs and vote similarly to other reviewers without voting different than other reviewers then you get awarded 1 day of play time.

Reason I thought this would be a good idea is because Blizzard said they were unwilling to remove the RCR feature and I heard (not sure if it’s true) that Blizzard does not want to have to pay people to sift through all of the reports they get, and that they want swift justice to those that are breaking the terms as to stop it right away from affecting people while playing.

Anyway- I imagined it would just be an in game box you could drag and move around, so you could be reviewing these as you farm xp/gold/gear or just during fishing or other slower tasks/downtimes.

Anyway, curious of what you guys think. I think it would work, and ideally we would never have to use this “Tribunal” eventually as players would be discouraged to falsely submit reports or else they run a risk of punishment themselves.

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I can’t help but feel there’s some real “mountain out of a mole-hill” stuff going on with all the freaking out over RCR.


None of this. Some turbo nerd will create an algorithm that allows a bot program to complete them en masse to ‘farm’ whatever the reward is.


I mean, there is a lot of proof that people use this stuff to disconnect people and squelch them. Things like disconnecting a known leader of a pre-made for BGs or disconnecting a player before he can roll on loot etc.

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Where’s all this proof? I haven’t played retail for years, so I wouldn’t know what goes on it it.


Our algorithm detection tech is a lot better at detecting these kinds of bots these days. In fact Blizzard Devs recently said they had Gold Farming under control this time due to that tech being advanced this time around.

You’ll be just as concerned when you win a loot roll over someone who’s feeling particularly spiteful that day. :joy_cat: I remember people being dragged in trade chat after contentious dungeon runs and loot drama - truthful or otherwise. Can you imagine what it would have been like if those 4 pugs in your UBRS run had the power to disconnect you before the end of the hours-long slog? All because you won a Dal Rend sword?


I’d imagine it wouldn’t be that big of a deal because on review by a GM it would be seen I didn’t do anything and was falsely reported. So those who made the false accusation would be actioned instead.


It could take weeks before a GM actually reviews your case(Not even sure if they have any GMs going to do this tbh). Though you get disconnected and then Squelched on an MMORPG that relies more on communication than it’s retail counterpart.

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No, you’d be offline while they complete their BWL attunements and you’re stuck looking for a new group next time you play. Good luck doing that without public chat channels. And god forbid you needed to loot the blood off Drakk.

But yeah, I guess once everything is resolved and someone reviews what went on, there’s a chance your account might not be silenced after all that.

Action the accusers? Oh Mylanta, lmao, I’m barely even with you on a human being reviewing your case. I don’t think that happens. But let me know how it goes wading through automated GM ticket responses and closures until you manage to reach a person.



In what world? I never had to wait longer than a day for a ticket response when I still played.

Action the accusers? Oh Mylanta, lmao, I’m barely even with you on a human being reviewing your case. I don’t think that happens. I don’t think that happens.

Of course it does. You could literally google around and find instances of this. And why wouldn’t Blizz take action against people abusing their system? If they didn’t it would just encourage further abuse, which defeats the whole point of it.


You could “literally google around” and find just as many instances of people abusing this shortsighted feature. I don’t know what that has to do with anything. I’ve opened GM tickets and spoken with GMs in the past. The fact is that resources are slimmer now and it’s more efficient to automate as much as possible. That includes reports and actions based on keywords and triggers.

No player or group of players should be able to remove you from the game world, for any reason. This is the most simple concept I can imagine in a MMO.


Honestly RCR just needs to go. If someone is saying something you don’t like, ignore them. It is that simple. No idea why RCR needs to be in the game. Hell, freedom of speech period should be allowed in the game, and the idiot trolls will take care of themselves. Someone spouts some bs that 90% of the players don’t want to see? Welcome to a black list where you have been ignored by most of the other players on your server. And classic is using the retail ignore system, which means making a new character will not help as it ignores the entire account.

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I like the energy, but freedom of speech is not what you think it is. Probably.

Other than that, yes, people need to use their ignore feature. If you’re being targeted and harassed, that’s something different, and that should be reported. But absolutely nothing should be automatic. Pretty simple stuff here.

Remember when getting death threats from someone meant you either ganked someone real hard or you just won whatever argument you were having… ahhh how i miss the old days.





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The whole complaint about RCR is that players are already determining punishment with the squelch. The ONLY thing a player need to be doing is reporting. Let the GMs deal with the issue and meet out punishments if necessary…

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I stopped at this point because I can tell you with 100% certainty, Blizz will never make this a thing.

They are very heavy handed when it comes to privacy and allowing anyone outside of their support staff to review this information could be very easily abused.

Are people still on this.

Look people it’s real simple. There is nothing anyone can say that justifies using report for chat related matters because report does not belong in the game for chat to begin with.

Blizzard is well aware report is abused but the question that really needs to be asked is, Why Blizzard isn’t suspending anyone and everyone who using report for chat related matters.

People have total control over what they see in their own chat and have several options, a language filter, join another channel, close chat completely. Any player using report for chat related matters, is just purposely being an abusive douche bag and needs to have action taken against them.


Excuse me what?

Lol what