what ?
You really have no idea what you are talking about and just like parroting buzz words right ?
My political leanings aside this is 1000% about the fact that we live in a society based on rules and nothing else. When you break those rules (IRL or in game) and are caught there will be consequences. All these threads come down to those that feel the rules should not apply to them as they are better than the rules for some reason. The rules are there to make it better for all (and as for the ‘trump’ stuff I don’t care what country they are talking about their leader “Scheer 2019!” is just as bad (in game) .
Actually, I didn’t link anything. I said a general thing to search for and made a simple argument, to which you have not responded. You have simply cited a ToS, which in the discussion is what is being debated… so your comment is actually entirely irrelevant because the discussion is whether or not the ToS is valid. No one is debating what the ToS says, they are debating whether or not it’s moral and justified and defensible. We all know what it says. You just parrot it like it’s a gospel without deciding if it’s good or bad.
You would be a very poor defense lawyer.
You said blizzard doesn’t like it and I said yes, they wouldn’t. I never said anything about you, why are you so upset?
And a mediocre AG will roll over you. You made the claim, and refuse to provide proof. It’s not on me to do the research.
I think the power to punish or not punish someone from in-game offenses should NOT rest in the hands of other players who lack common definitions/criteria.
Good thing the squelch is not really a punishment like a silence or suspension is.
RCR is the ONLY system so far that works.
So basically you enjoy just making up stuff as you go.
Have you never yelled at your team that they suck… I can tell. You’re probably part of the people who ran off on their own adventure in a bg
No I have not, I have instead done the best I can and supported my team.
Why are you people acting like being silenced in Classic isn’t a big deal? Classic is a social game. Being silenced effectively takes away half the game from you. You won’t be able to sell items, get enchants, join dungeon groups, join pug raids, collaborate with your battleground team, or even something simple like asking for help after being ganked. This has nothing to do with politics, and this isn’t BfA. This is a video game, and people simply want to play it without fear of automated punishment from competing players.
You might wanna give this a read.
It tells you what and what not you can do.
Silenced Players Are Unable to:
Talk in global channels that are auto joined (such as General or Trade)
So literally everything I said is correct. Thank you.
Totally ignored these…
Silenced Players Are Able to:
- Whisper to friends (both WoW friends and Battle.net Friends)
- Reply to Whispers from Non-friends
- Party/Raid Chat (with Invited Players)
- Create Parties and Raids
- Talk in Global Channels that have a moderator
- Share Quests
- Sign up for a pre-made groups
So, you are not completely isolated. Thank You.
You are only proving that nothing from what I said can be done. There is no LFR. There is no LFD. You actually need to talk to people to do things. It is very different than BfA.
Silenced Players Are Unable to:
- Talk in Instance Chat (Raid, Party, and Battlegrounds)
- Talk in global channels that are auto joined (such as General or Trade)
- Create Calendar Invites/Events
- Send in-game mail
- Send Party Invitations
- Send War Game Invitations
- Send Invitations to Duel
- Update a Premade Group Listing
- Create a New List for a Premade Group|
The top 2 in the list is how you do things in Classic WoW.
Doesn’t change the fact you a misrepresenting information to suit your talking points. But report away. I’ll still be here. Just because you don’t like it =/= Trolling.
Again, you can still do these.
- Whisper to friends (both WoW friends and Battlenet Friends)
- Reply to Whispers from Non-friends
- Party/Raid Chat (with Invited Players)
- Create Parties and Raids
- Talk in Global Channels that have a moderator
- Share Quests
- Sign up for a pre-made groups
You are not completely Shut Down.
Why are you people acting like people are being silenced (or will be silenced) all willy nilly without breaking any rules when the silence penalty has been around forever and nobody has shown where someone was falsely silenced in all that time.
I have 0 fear of a squelch or silence as I follow the rules I agreed to.
There is no auto silence.
In the event you meant squelch, the. hey look at that… an actual deterrent to acting like an idiot.
Chain of events :
- person acts like a tool
1a. Person does not act like a tool - many people report for spam/language
- reported person gets squelched.
- appeals squelch
- is upheld or turned to a silence by the GM
5a. is overturned and no silence happens.
Either way … life goes on and the game is 1000% better due to RCR
It may have existed since 2007, but it has not functioned the same for all those years. There is also no irony in that.
This is a weird statement to make in that it’s unrelated to anything in this thread AND it is patently false. You know leftists are not liberals, right? Not that liberals love censorship either, but I can at least see why someone might feel that way. lol. Political ideologies aren’t just MADE UP, you know, they do have distinct guidelines and definitions.
But there is an automatic eject button from the game world, whether you’ve acted a fool or not. I told my awesome story in a different thread but here it is more concisely: I have observed players say mean words in chat and then be booted/squelched (later silenced) – yes they said mean words. It doesn’t matter. Players should not be able to remove other players from the game. That’s all this is about.
Like, I never want to see anyone spouting racism/homophobia/hate speech in public chat channels. Screw that, screw those people. Does that mean I should be able to push a button and take them out of the game? No! I ignore them and move on. Targeted harassment would be different, and I would expect action, but I’d still have to go through the reporting process.
…AND USE THE IGNORE FEATURE. A GM won’t even escalate a harassment issue if you’re not already ignoring the account in question. It’s a good feature, use it.