RCR - Tribunal

Oh heavens no.

Except that if loot rules were established, then that, and the horde at the STV bridge IS breaking the rules.

Because of a thing people do where you weigh the benefits. Cancer treatment kills normal cells and makes your immune system insanely weak, but it gets rid of the cancer so you don’t die. RCR is similar, yeah SOME people will abuse it and SOME people will be on the receiving end of that abuse, but tons of people, including Blizzard see that as worth the risk to not force everyone else to have to be inconvenienced because of a couple idiots or gold sellers.

Sorry friend but hyperbole and fear-mongering are the only valid argument tools allowed here.

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No. If the loot rules was not set on master looter, the loot rule is anyone can take it.

How, exactly, is demanding payment to not gank someone breaking a rule?

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tribunal was removed because it was abused just like rcr. people just hit punish lol

yay more fear mongering threads.
Why ? that is what you need to ask yourself.
Why change / modify / further complicate a system that works ?
If it ain’t broke … don’t fix it.

3 things have been shown as ‘proof’ and dubunked that the system is not working :

  1. popular streamer asks tons of people to report him and got actioned for abuse of the system (rightfully so)
  2. a PvP video that shows a flag carrier being disconnected (why is never shown)
  3. a thread about a addon that spams and those spamming getting silenced (so showing it does work)

If it wasn’t set on master then he didn’t ninja. But if it was master loot and clear loot rules, then he was breaking the rules.

And it’s not that the horde was demanding payment, it’s that the alliance character, working with the horde, was demanding payment to not get camped.

If it is set to master loot he can’t loot unless hes the master looter, and if you go into a dungeon with a master looter without asking him “are you going to ninjaloot” the problem is you.

How is an alliance and horde player working together breaking any rules?

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PvP happened on a PvP server. There are three different things here. 1) ‘ninja looting’ which is impossible in WoW and 2) Person engaging in PvP and 3) member of his own faction extorting him to save him from the PvP.

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haha i forgot about this saying until now.

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Apparently, in today’s world, protecting your fee fees from being hurt by (ignorable) text in a box is more important than personal liberties or freedoms. This is just one of many places we are seeing this recently.

Art imitating life?

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Or alliance and horde players clearly ignoring the rules against communication between the two factions to be able to make this little thing possible…

A lot of the bad things about wow came around due to this ideology.

Remember what geographic location Blizzard is located in, and the ideology of people who reside there.


There aren’t rules against communication.

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ahh here we go.
What personal liberties and freedoms are being infringed upon ?
Oh wait, you don’t have any of those in Blizzard’s game. Every right you do or do not have in game is granted (and can be taken away) by Blizzard.

in game there are rules against it, Blizzard can’t assist or action against what happens on Skype, DIscord etc.

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I’m not talking about rights, genius.

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Then what are you talking about ?
You have nothing in game not granted by Blizzard.

If they decide to arbitrarily ban you over something not explicit in the ToS, you can sue and win.

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I am referring to freedom and liberty, as I said. Text in a box isn’t preventing you from doing what you want. Meanwhile, RCR can prevent people from doing what they want. It is the difference between protesters standing out front with signs, and protesters physically blocking you from entering the building.

Again, not talking about rights. Freedom isn’t granted, but it can be taken.

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