RCR Abuse now coming to light

We did not RCR back then.

RCR was in game in 2007. Why must everything from your keyboard be a constant stream of lies?


The silence only prevents you from talking in unmoderated chat channels (trade/general/etc) and initiating whispers. You can still chat in party, raid, guild, and moderated chat channels (user created versions) and also whispering friends and reply to whispers.


Well, RCR is indiscriminate and you can be reported for literally anything or nothing. Silences have to be handed out by Blizz but a squelch is automatic once the RCR threshold is released.

So, in theory, someone advertising their enchanting could be squelched if they are reported enough. No one knows what the threshold is.


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This was nothing more than the streamer “setting up” a plan to see how many RCR it would take to get squelched, nothing more.

Some streamers are known for creating drama in WoW over the years for attention, to gain more subs because of “controversy”, etc. Nothing more than using friends and others willing to “report” him while streaming and it’s all pre-planned ahead of time.

Yup, I have no issue calling out streamers that do this fake crap, which is why I will do everything I can to be away from any server that they are playing on, as I do not need or want their drama.


I had the name Trumpcare on my druid for years. Got the rcr hammer last year for being inappropriate, I have to concede people are hypersensitive from when I made it in 2015ish. Like, okay then. I didn’t bother challenging because there may well be an argument against it. It’s just profoundly stupid how rcr happy people are for no logical reason.


even the narrative attached to the link says he is basing it off of “google searches and the forums”. We all know the forums are not proof of anything except that there are hundreds of opinions about any given subject. Sounds like a non-issue being hyped as an issue.


…That’s Odd, i always thought their designed for quickly dealing with actual offensives and not be a worse version of Vote to Kick button. Eh. Either Times change or i remembered it wrong. :man_shrugging:

Actually on a Whim, i did google up the RCR rules, and found this on the offical website with the CoC link in there. It’s shockingly small, but covers the bare basics. (Also the word “throwing” is in there, and i have learnt, that throwing means intentionally giving up. Just want to let you guys know that, that’s a new meaning for me. I feel old. :older_man: )

It doesn’t matter how long ago you created a character, no one either noticed or cared (at that time) which doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the potential to create issues later.

Using some common sense seems to be more of a rare thing among the wow community lately, with players not thinking about the names they use knowing full well it could create conflict.

In this case, I can see how political conflict from the name you choose would get FNC’d and rightfully so. You really should read up on the TOS ahead of time and apply a little constraint when making future characters.


I’m sorry you’re offended.


My last response to your trolling. RCR was not in game from 2004 to 2007. You knew that, you just like to lie or spew half truths. You already got perma banned for trolling. You of all people know how the system works. :laughing:

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a) Calling you out is not trolling, so I anticipate yet more responses from you
b) RCR was in during 2007 onward
c) My account has never been permabanned
d) This thread would be comical if it were not so goshed darned sad.


Exactly. Regardless how long the addon has been around (the addon is different but that’s not important)… People were annoyed by someone’s spam. Person spamming got silenced. Sounds like working as intended. I fail to see how this is abuse. This is exactly WHY it is there.

I am sorry you are offended by the truth. :grin:

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At the bottom of the User Interface list, there’s a line that reads…

You are now able to right click a player name to report them to GMs.

May 22, 2007.


Such addons didn’t exist in Vanilla though.

If you support the existence of them in Classic, that’s totally fine, but that means you’re behind non-Classic features. At which point I’m fully justified in supporting RCR.


Addon support was in Vanilla. Addons themselves are optional.

RCR was never in Vanilla. RCR is a feature and is not optional.

Your comparison is bad.



We never had rare tracking addons in Vanilla. If you wanted to hunt rares you had to do it the old fashioned way.

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Irrelevant. The support was there. Again, addons are optional.


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please review OP info again, it was present starting May 2017.