You are going to need some new material. We’ve heard it all before.
Yeah, back in February like I said. Guessing people were sniffing out your bull**** then too.
Your support of RCR abuse is noted. There. We all know where you stand.
Oh, that’s perfectly fine then. Let’s all stick our heads in the sand. The completely valid and unaddressed issue has been mentioned enough times that it’s now ‘old news’; thus is a non-issue.
Those supporting RCR abuse will never take their heads out of the sand.
While I find it hilarious that the same four people have a tinfoil hat on so tight they can’t use common logic and a sense of due process to back up claims other than some fear that the boogy monster is coming to get them.
Twiink, that post does not do anything to support any claims. If anything it’s proof that the hysteria around the subject matter is more important than facts or how the system actually works.
Here is how it always plays out on this topic.
“So I heard from a guy, who heard from someone, whos brother got instantly banned for life on the spot for doing nothing but sitting there doing nothing”
Your fear of the RCR is noted.
Your using fear as a way to justify an agenda is noted. And honestly, that is the only agenda here.
Does this make sense? You say they review in one moment then say they don’t in another just because they uphold?
No, we don’t. What we have is the same people grasping at straws that are not based on any actual facts but stories.
You may not like that some of us would rather have the full story or even dare think about the broader ramifications of systems on the user and the staff, but I will stick to actually finding facts and debating on them than wild hand waving believing you are some Jedi master trying to convince us all that you are right.
You know I have changed my mind on topics once true facts are brought to light and I readily admit when I was wrong. This just seems like you are so against something without considering all aspects that you are willing to degrade those who simply say look at ALL the facts before posting.
And those knee-jerk denialists have a complete lack of lateral thinking.
Oh, you’re from Moonguard… cool!
Is this how we’re justifying people getting screwed over? “Choices have consequences. If a person didn’t want to be mugged, they shouldn’t have worked at the homeless shelter in the wrong part of town. He/She/Non-Binary isn’t a victim.”
I’m willing to mock those who willfully deny a problem yes. But at the end of the day it’s still all just forum PvP.
The irony!
Your trolling and support of RCR abuse is duly noted. How much more attention do you need?
People who reply with a differing opinion and / or highlight your hypocrisy aren’t trolling you.
LOL found one of the alts.
I think the concern is likely that people are using add-ons to post in general chat. And yeah, 100% agree the intent of the add-on is helpful and the impact is pretty benign. But based on the thread you link, there’s at least three identical add-ons that all do this. So if three people using three different add-ons all target the same rare, it gets posted three times. These add-ons can also post time of death, so other people can start tracking the respawn timer presumably. Even fights with elites don’t take long, maybe a minute?, so within that time window general chat may get a half dozen posts about a single rare.
Maybe someone who’s playing in Naj or Mechagon can clarify, but aren’t there dozens of rares in each new zone?
Also, because of how short fights are, unless you’re mounted up and already flying in the right direction when the add-on posts, it’s probably not going to help you anyways, as people point out in that thread. It’s not hard to imagine how the cumulative posts from these add-ons, combined with their relative uselessness for lots of people, adds up to them being called spam. You don’t opt-in to the add-on posts, and you can’t opt out without leaving the general chat channel entirely. Seems like spam to me.
Also, in that thread, people say they’ve tried to appeal their silences in this and been denied. The cynical view is yeah, blizzard doesn’t care about appeals, but alternatively, maybe blizzard agrees that these add-ons aren’t great and don’t have a problem pushing them out. This may be a sign of the system working as blizzard intended, not the system being abused.
Seems like blizzard would want to just break those add ons. Would simplify the solution to be sure
Oh boy, can’t wait to see the RCR on the honour addon spam.
Yeah that is the confusing bit. Blizzard does have a rep for breaking things they don’t like. Maybe it’s just becoming a problem now because of this specific content patch, where a significant portion of the player base is focused on these spawns and the add-on use is becoming enough to be annoying?
As always I would love more transparency and communication from blizzard about how any of their rules enforcement systems work or how they decide which add-ons to break.
This. I would just like some actual evidence from blizzard that they are doing something about the abuse of RCR and not just running it on auto pilot. That is never going to to happen but it’s fun to dream.
Spammers were reported for spamming? Oh, say it isnt so!
I think the only people that are opposed to RCR behave poorly in game and don’t want whats coming to them. It’s no different than LFD. People always complain about trolls vote kicking them out of LFD, but I have never been kicked from a group. Never. Not once in all these years. It may happen some day because I do believe there are trolls out there, but when it does happen I will just move on with my life and queue again. Meanwhile, voting to kick people has saved hundreds of my groups from trolls over that same period.
My long winded point, if you don’t want people RCR’ing you… don’t act like a jerk.