No, I’d rather everyone else not have to inconvenience themselves because some 40 year old man child lacks the self-control to not essentially shut down an entire chat channel because he just HAS TO spam chuck norris for hours. Why does everybody else have to be the ones to leave chat channels, fill up their ignore list, or log off, when you can simply just hold the person spamming chat accountable for what he’s doing?
It’s really simple, just follow Blizzard’s rules, and you won’t have a problem. If you just have to spam chuck norris in the chat channels, then you seriously have some growing up to do.
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Benefits of RcR are too good. They won’t be removing it.
Plus, you private server people will need to be re-educated on how to act in a normal game/society.
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You worry about you. Stop worrying about everyone else. It doesnt shut anything down. You can still chat in it. Also, if hes on your ignore list its as if hes not there at all. You sound like the kind of person who goes to a party and gets mad about the loud obnoxious drunk guy when you can easily go to another room or go outside. Plenty of people don’t mind him and those who don’t like it move to other rooms in the house. He has his fun and everyone else had theirs. You’d rather slap duct tape on him and tie him to a chair because you try to impose YOUR values on everyone else. You decided he ruined everyone elses fun when in fact it was just you and you had options to avoid it but chose to ruin their fun anyways. Is your name karen?
So what barrens chat just isn’t happening now?
It’ll take one person with 4 friends to report silence entire classic experience of barrens.
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There’s a massive difference between barrens chat, and 10 messages per second spamming the chat channels of “anal [windfury totem]”
I really want to think that you can understand this difference.
So what, you can’t use wit and timing to be funny in barrens chat? You need that edgy shock factor brobro?
Can’t wait to rightfully/righteously/riteaidedly right click folks like you into silent oblivion
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I don’t care if they spam anal Windfury. I can ignore them if I don’t like it. They have their fun and i have mine.
One persons wit is another’s right click report.
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And one person doesn’t trigger a squelch…
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Best part is ya’ll think they might remove it. That is the funnest part of threads like these.
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I don’t spam in chat. It annoys me as much as you. Im not advocating for that. I’m saying stop ruining their fun when you have a PERMANENT way to fix it that doesn’t effect them at all.
I don’t think they will remove it at all. That doesn’t mean I can’t make my voice heard on the subject.
It wont ruin anything, it has been in production for 7+ years and its pros are far greater than its losses.
The sky isnt falling, Youre gonna be ok fella.
Once again: Why should 300 people have to /ignore or leave a chat channel instead of holding the 1 person accountable for what they’re doing?
What if its not 300 people. What if its just you? And why does 300 people get to decide what other people do? I think absolutely 300 people should /ignore them. Stop trying to ruin someone elses fun when you have a 100% guaranteed way to make it where they don’t offend your sensitive sensibilities.
i dont understand. is it spammy because it spams? or is it spammy because everyone uses it and therefore the mass use creates a spam effect? if 50 people have the addon but the addon only announces it one time per happening, the addon isnt the problem
Its not removing fun that we are after , it is removing detriments to society.
Unwelcome elements, you know?
Ok there karen. Do you want to speak to my manager too? No one is unwelcome in vanilla wow.
Yes it’s 5. Aka dude and 4 friends in a group.
Man I really miss downvoting.
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