So People are getting silenced for using Rare Share Addons

If it was a Squelch, I’d agree, as then it just means some people are being too sensitive and reporting people because they’re annoyed. But these people are getting silenced. Which means a GM upheld the squelch.

Which means Blizzard either needs to tell their staff that these addons are okay, or Blizzard is indeed telling us these addons are not okay and we need to stop using them or we’re going to get silenced.

There are literally posts about people contacting GMs to get it reversed and being told no.

Either way, it’s not “blowing it out of proportion.”

I killed multiple rares tonight without announcing them, and I felt dirty. I killed them alone. I wasn’t able to share the kill with anyone. This is not the type of community Blizzard should be fostering.