RBG Matching - Base it on the Top CR player

This is all anecdotal, but it seems that in addition to Team Comp. CR rigging is now meta. I say this because frequently I see teamswho are 10 points lower than my team, we get crushed - really just out geared at all phases - and then we lose 13-16 points.

Teams I’ve joined through the Group Finder tool say things like “Well and he’s low CR so that should help our match making.” Everyone does it because it’s an effective solution, but it’s also ruining the game. If you’re going to bring in carriers and ringers, just have the points gain/loss completely dependent on the Top CR player.

If a 900 wants to join a bunch of 1700s players - fine. But don’t judge me with the 900 included. Judge me based on the 1700.


It’s might be because of how win/loss ratios and group changes EXTREMELY affect the MMR of the team.

It seems to me like an average of about ~120 team mmr per win. If you replace people after games, or go on even a 2 game winning or losing streak, you’re suddenly in an entire different bracket of matching.

I rarely get to play more than like 5 games with most teams. But I guess Blizzard thinks it’s necessary. (maybe so people can get to CR requirements easier, idk)

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they should just scrap the MMR system for being useless, whatever it’s matching is not skill. just create matchmaking weight by ilvl and be done with it.


Lol, you propose matchmaking rating to allow 2600 teams vs 1400 YOLO’s? So long as they’re the same IL?


if that happened the 2600 team wouldn’t gain any rating

as it currently stands i queue into 215+ teams at 1200-1600 in arena and RBGs all the time and lose rating to them, because the problem is gross ilvl mismatch within the same bracket


Wait… the fact that no one would ever gain or lose rating, why do you want people to queue into these matches??? the 2600 team never wins any rating, but risks maximum points too…

Because, I mean of course you know that, you can’t ever choose your opponents, lol so of course lots of games with 2600 team vs 1400 team would happen… absolutely wasting everyones time lol since no one even gets rating in this fairy world of make believe

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Lol, you just killed your own idea.


i have no idea why you are afraid of glad teams swapping to lowbie gear to match with lowbie teams and only possibly lose cr

Just what we need to try and get more people engaged into rated content. Easier ways for 2700 players to go against 1400s. Lul

then weight ilvl after matching by cr bracket? the point was mmr was useless for measuring similar skill and gear. these arent criticisms. ilvl matchmaking controls for the much greater issue of outgearing within the same cr bracket, nobody cares about the fantasy issue of 2700 glads stripping naked to match with 0 cr people. it’ll never define the ladder climbing experience

Sounds like some terrible groups if they actually want to lower their MMR. I want mine as high as humanly possible for the most points per win and the least dropped for a loss.

Oh man it took a while to figure out what you’re so confused about. lol it’s not even about that at all. so basically… RBGs are the best way to PvP gear… lots and lots of EXPERIENCED players, on alts or something, use RBGs to gear.

Yeah I guess you guys haven’t queued a lot. But if you are asking to break down the MMR system… that means finally playing against players youve never played against. I was hero of the horde 3 times in a row a long time ago… me and my friends completely dominate random terrible lowbies. It’s the best way to get gear lol… are you guys PvE’rs? xD

I mean, I have alts higher than your main is this season. So… lol

This argument is just bad… but now that I’ve pvpchecked you, and know who you are, it all makes sense. :slight_smile:

Got the new alt up to 175, and just hit 22 renown. Things are in motion. lol

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Congrats :slight_smile: you are moving at a decent pace on that toon. Glad you have something on alliance now :smiley:

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Yeah unless youve been a part of the “alt groups” rampaging your mains, nothing here hold’s any ground. I mean your opinion is to literally ‘GET RID OF MMR’ and you stand there with no weight, denying these basic facts that we’ve been witnessing for years…

Like the amount of sheer genius you are imparting on me… it must just be that the world is too stupid to understand such an extremely complex idea as ‘free for all queueing’

Brother. Not everyone is trying to push rating. You have to gear before anything else, and the FACT is that RBGs are often a preferred method for gearing… and thats without the option to queue vs 1100 teams all night… lol

The most inventive geniuses in the world are right here in BG forums. today i was educated. smfh lol

I never suggested changing anything. I was just responding to your condescending question that you directed my way.

You can’t fight here people, these are the battleground forums


You are just unhappy and frustrated with the current system. :woman_shrugging:

Last time I proved you wrong I ended up getting

But I guess we can do this all over again…

Quote me on this… Please? I love the current MMR system. :slight_smile:

But aren’t they? If gear is tied to rating then aren’t they actually indeed pushing rating?

I completely agree with you here, never said otherwise? For PVP gearing RBGs are a very good route.

Kinda like the genius who seems to be making things up in their head and putting words in my mouth? :roll_eyes:

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