Two new Graphics Settings have been added: Target FPS and Spell Density. ** some interesting new console strings.
Raytracing support could improve lighting in the game, while variable rate shading can improve performance by having the GPU render some less important areas on the screen at a lower quality, while still maintaining a higher quality image for areas that matter.
Raytracing and Variable Rate Shading
RTTier - Maximum RT tier to use
RAIDshadowRt - Raid Raytraced shadows (0-2)
shadowRt - Raytraced shadows (0-2)
Ray Tracing Support - DXR 1.0 / DXR 1.1
vrsWorldGeo - Render scale like effect for terrain, buildings and liquids
vrsParticles - Render scale like effect for particles. Only used if lots of particles are on screen
Variable Rate Shading not supported on this hardware
I’ve upgraded the core of my system just a couple of weeks ago (cpu, mobo, ram), though I’m still against the wall about getting an RTX card right now since I don’t play or haven’t created anything that uses ray-tracing…yet. Plus, I haven’t made the move to 4k or use a Freesync monitor.
I’m currently using a GTX1070 and it’s giving me 60+ FPS at max settings with everything I play, with the most I’ve ever used is 80% of the GPU playing Black Desert Online in remastered mode. If I do make the upgrade, it’ll probably be with at least the RTX 3000-series with a new monitor.
I would want to see what the next release of NVIDIA GPU’s has to offer in terms of performance upgrades (including ray tracing) before upgrading from the 1080ti I’ve been using the past 3+ years. The current RTX 2000 series, to me, was not worth the upgrade. I also fear that, once you go ray tracing, you probably can’t go back
Yeah, considering the 2080 was only marginally faster than the 1080Ti, there’s not a compelling reason to upgrade.
Ill probably nab a 3080 if/when they release and give my 1080Ti to my wife. But not because of Ray Tracing, just because… well, Computer Gaming is my primary hobby now and its time for some retail therapy upgrades. =P
None of the videos I’ve seen of game ray tracing have impressed me yet, i get why it’s impressive but from an end result stand point not very impressed. If i was upgrading anyways I’d get a 20 series but I wouldn’t upgrade just for ray tracing.
Now that could certainly be because of the very early implementation and the lack of games that use it so far. And I’m sure that will be changing but at this point ray tracing seems more like a nifty bragging point than gunuinely fully functional for gaming.
I hear you. I might wait another couple of generations, but that’s more because I just satisfied my itch by moving cases, changing coolers on my GPU (again), upgrading my PSU, and adding a second M.2 drive.
I just upgraded to a 5700 XT Nitro+ a few months ago and it’s plenty for my needs (60hz 2560x1440), so no. Even if I hadn’t and was still on my old 980Ti Classified, I still wouldn’t upgrade for raytracing because the feature is only meaningful on higher-end RTX cards, with the low and low-mid RTX cards performing barely better than non-accelerated raytracing.
2-4 years from now when raytracing is a common, well-performing feature on midrange cards it’ll be more of a consideration.
I’ve had my $200 GPU for 4 years now so I think I’m in a position for upgrade and the stimulus makes that decision easier also. Gettin some good ups with the stimulus, already upgraded to a much better display, and just ordered my first SSD… anyways I’ll probably go with an RTX 3060.
Is Blizz gonna go all out with raytracing and include multi bounce lighting or just boring shadows and once in awhile reflective stuff? If they ave no GI, I don’t even care if they add ray tracing, it’ll hardly look any different than the shadow mapping we have now.
Ehh. Shadowlands isn’t enough for me to spend $300 to $400 for a RTX 2060.
Sure, Ray tracing looks cool, but being real here, how many games even support this now? I mean, what about the games i own that are made in 2018 and before exactly?
Unless it just has an option to ray trace any game and i do mean any game. Even as ones are old as the old Tomb Raider games from the late 1990’s, or the original DOOM.
I mean, theirs a huge list of games that i want to be Ray Traced:
Assassin Creed 1, Ezio Trilogy and 4
Far Cry, all of them
Dying Light 1
Need for Speed Underground 1 and 2, Most Wanted (2005) and Carbon
Cities Skylines
The Sims 3
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
GTA SA, VC, 3, 4 and 5
DOOM (2016)
Planet Coaster
Skyrim (Both LE and SE) and Fallout 4
Ark: Survival Evolved
Cabela’s Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005, aka the only one)
The Witcher 3
And so on. I seriously don’t care how it looks on the New Watch dogs game, Battlefield 5, The new Tomb Raider games, Hellblade, Metro Exodus and Wolvenstein Youngblood, cause i’m not interested in playing them.
I play enough WoW where I am interested in this, but I’d like to wait and see just how good it is prior to pulling the trigger on a new graphics card. At the moment I’m perfectly fine with an almost 4 year-old GTX 1080 so if I don’t need to upgrade to RTX, I won’t. If it changes the game and I get hit with FOMO, then I hope the RTX 3000 line is worth the cost.
I won’t upgrade just for the rtx gimmick. When I upgrade I’ll be doing it more due to the fact that the new consoles will be raising the bar for what min specs will be at 60+ fps. Older top end cards will stll probably be fine at moderately high resolutions but my current card is a 4 year old budget card that may fall below 30 fps even at low settings for the upcoming generation of games. I probably won’t upgrade as soon as rtx 3000 hits though, I’ll wait until I actually get some next gen games and then upgrade if they’re under performing.
I’m probably going to wait a year or 2 until I upgrade my system again (I just upgraded it that past winter) where i’ll replace most things and I probably will get a new mobo/CPU and Nvidia GPU. And note to self never buy an AMD GPU less than 6 months after its launch i got it 4-5 months after and it had driver issues for a little bit
I mean they should go all out on it… I doubt they will just do boring Shadows because we already have Shadows in game and most people turn them off… usually…
So I guess they aren’t going to waste time for just extra fancy shadows… I guess they are going all in hopefully I do at least.
I’ll consider it if the 3000 series is worthwhile.
I’m still upset at Nvidia for forcing RTX development costs onto early 2000-series consumers. They basically knew they were selling people tech demos and were okay with it.
Given Ampere has such stronger RTX capability, it’s clear this is the first real implementation that is meant for actual use.
If the gains are big enough over my 5700xt, and not ridiculously expensive, I will consider it. My TV gaming PC needs a new GPU anyway and can shift the GPUs down the line.