Rating the "leaked" potential classes based on likelihood

Don’t you put that evil on us.


Tinker sounds possible. If nothing else, Blizzard might try to please the crowd if there is enough interest.

All the other classes seem very unlikely to me.

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I would make it a warlock spec and it would basically be a demonology lock that focused on undead instead of demons.

Funnily enough I wouldn’t hate it lol. I know many people would though and it seems like A LOT of work that I doubt blizzard would actually do.

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I agree, especially since one of the reasons hero talents shared across specs works so well is because you can make a number of assumptions based on what the two specs share. There’s a decent amount of overlap between two specs like similar spells, resources, and utility. That’s not the case for two separate classes. Which means the hero talent set would need to be almost entirely self-contained. (Read as: boring).

Blizzard has played around with the idea of class cross-over before through Hearthstone. But this was more my morning ramblings than a serious suggestion. It is fun to think about though!

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Sick! We’re one step closer to turning this game into FF14.

Just need catladies to seal the deal. :smile:

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Tinker is a terrible idea

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I admit, would have no idea how a tinker class would play. But maybe as a support like aug evoker, assemble mode to buff people, dissemble mode to put debuffs and do damage.

Super excited to see what comes, I’m hoping for Bard class myself.

Please don’t get me start on Blizzard’s fail lol. Blizzard’s proposed solution makes many true “pet-free” proponents just as upset as “pet optional” people. It’s wild how they manage to misfire on this one


It’s the only class we really need. Everything else on that list can be slotted into existing classes.


People like this always crack me up. When they feel like googling something is too complicated. Google’s free and easy to use bud. Many of us got the survey. I found mine in my promotions folder in my Gmail.


About as much of a chance as the “Garlic Farmer” class being added :wink:

My thoughts on a few of these:

I’d rather see this as a Rogue Support spec personally, don’t really see how the Bard concept could work as a full class.

This could work as a non-mech based Tinker spec maybe?

Best option for this would just be a green-fire level customization option for Warlock. Same goes for Necromancer.

That name wouldn’t work, but I’ve long wanted a Hunter Tank spec where the player and their pet share a health pool and periodically bounce threat between each other.

the survey was leaked.

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I don’t even want this class but no, it is nothing like boomkin. Nowhere is it like boomkin.

No real issues otherwise with what you’re saying otherwise.

How do you mean? How would you differ them?

Astrologians generally do not shapeshift, they are more cosmic focused than nature focused, They read star patterns and divine futures. They are more based in general mysticism than a druid which is a solidly nature and natural world based background.

“moon powers make them the same” is incorrect and hyper reductive.

I really want a ranged weapon class outside of the Hunter/Ranger archetype. Doesn’t have to be engineering based, just something more gunslinger and less nature lover.


It so is. Look at the spells from DnD and you’ll see.

If I had to take a guess, Tinker will be a new class for Gnomes, Mechas, Vulpera, and Goblin only. Everything else may be a 4th spec option to add to existing classes.