Rating the "leaked" potential classes based on likelihood

Rating the leaked classes on likelihood.

Tinker/Artificer: Very Likely. Tinkers have been a thing since gnomes in wc2, and are even a hero unit in wc3 (most wow classes are based off of wc3 hero units).

Bard: Possible. There is no real combat bards in wow lore but it is brought up CONSTANTLY and with the whole radiant song being the huge thing atm it’s not outside the realm of possibility.

Gunner/Pistolier: Unlikely. Would have to find a way to distinguish it from hunters and I don’t really know what a gunner would bring tbph.

Astrologian/Astromancer: Unlikely. This is just boomkin

Witch: Unlikely I don’t really see how it would be much different from a lock particularly affliction. If this is based off of drust witches.

Apothecary: Possible. Personally I’d see this as more of a spec option for tinker but alchemist was also a hero class in wc3.

Celestial spearfighter: Extremely unlikely. ??? what even is this.

Battlemage: likely. Battlemages are a common trope in warcraft lore. So I can easily see it becoming a thing.

Leyweaver: extremely unlikely. Is this not just an arcane mage?

Prismatic: extremely unlikely. ??? wtf is this? why? how?

Titanslayer: unlikely. What is it? what does it do? aren’t we all titan slayers? we all killed Argus already. I really can’t imagine what they do.

Necromancer: possible. While we do already have death knights I feel like a necromancer could be to a death knight what a priest is to a paladin or a warlock to a demon hunter.

Tanking hunter called guardian: Nope. We already have a tanking spec in the game called guardian and it’s a druid spec. This is the final nail in the coffin that makes me think this is all fake as wouldn’t this be a spec not a class?

Spellbreaker: possible. Although I feel this as more likely to be a spec, likely tank spec for battlemage/spellblade class.


Tinker is def the most likely. Hunters are still the only class that uses ranged weapons. Definitely looking to broaden this weapon class.

With the exception of evokers, every new class / spec added to the game since vanilla has been melee. We don’t really need another melee focused class.

They don’t seem to really know how to carve out another another niche for casters. Evoker is still pretty clunky.


Of the choices…Tinker is my #1 and Gunner/Pistolier is #2. I am indifferent to the rest

Thats easy. Mid ranged with no pets or traps. Could also replace focus with ammo which requires a reload period.

At least in my head cannon, the only similarity is that they shoot guns


The survey from Blizz was just taking feedback on class ideas and seeing if there was any potential to the ideas. I know that Tinkers, Bards, and Necromancer’s are the front runners for the D&D crowd, but they forget that WoW is not a D&D based game.

As for the potential likelihood, it really depends on the Devs and how well they can flush out these idea specs. Some seem simple and do-able, while others are just “hero” classes or specs in reality.

I doubt we will see anything come Midnight, maybe the Last Titan, but more realistically after the World Soul Saga ends. You have to remember that they are working on the next two expansions as we speak and their scopes have been more or less locked in. Ideas for the future are needed.


Leaked but no source to provide.


We’ve all seen and or gotten the survey.

Tinker or bust fyi.


I think some of the “leaked” classes were hinting at the possibility of new specs or hero talents. I remember when TWW first released there was some buzz at there possibly being an “earth-warden” tank spec for shamans, and I still haven’t discounted that. Some of these might be along the same lines. For instance gunslinger sounds more like a Rogue or Hunter spec to me than it does a new class. Witch sounds more like a Warlock hero talent than a new class.


Can you link this survey?

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It’s NDA. You get chosen by Blizzard and have to agree to the NDA. I’m sure you can find it on the interwebs.

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To be fair, I don’t think this is indicative of anything. We already have two Holy healers, two Protection tanks, and two Frost DPS. I also don’t think a Hunter Guardian spec is likely but I don’t think the name is the reason why.


No source gotcha, “go look it up yourself” is not how you provide a source.

A screenshot link would fine, you don’t need tl3 to post links you can use --.


No you just have an obvious narcissist outlook and think people should sacrifice themselves to provide you NDA sources. Probably never been in an NDA situation before so you wouldn’t understand how serious breaking these agreements is.

I host military PTSD support groups every second Sunday and it’s a very common thing to have to dance around.


The original survey was in German. There’s a translation available on MMO champion.


Which is another reason I wouldn’t read too much into the names from the survey. Could very well be a language barrier thing.


Well this thread is going places

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You too.


Nothing to do with our discussion.

I love how you probably just googled it and the panda could have too haha. People are so funny.


I mean, I did. I don’t remember where I saw the original survey posted. Probably WoWhead or Reddit or something. But there’s no harm in me providing the link to be polite.

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Yeah I don’t buy any of the “leak” at all. Definitely didn’t need to drag the topic up again.


nothing was leaked. it was a survey. what are you on about…


It’s important to understand conceptually how NDAs work. Saying “source” and being stuck in the mud about not doing any research yourself is anti intellectualism.

Literally the guy under you googled it and found it for you.

You’re begging for people to hold your hand across water you aren’t willing to tread yourself.