Rating requirements on pvp gear when there are meta specs

Yea… So people play perceived META specs more frequently than non-meta specs and as a result you see they are represented more.

That doesn’t at all prove a dramatic difference in actual power levels, particularly across all brackets. And… once again… if anything all you’ve proven is that literally every class is capable of playing at the highest levels. If hunters were like completely absent in a season you might have a point… But they werent… and you dont

The statistics suggest otherwise

No. That’s not how it works. People flock to the meta specs because those are the easiest to achieve glad with.

Don’t be disingenuous. Enough with your contrarianism.

You’re a fool then… shamans dominate 5v5, hunters have solid 3v3 comps(double healer, HLD and Thug) Ret/Rsham is an amazing 2v2 comp and ret/rsham/warr is absolute pain in the a$$ to fight against(it’s a solid comp).

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Even in a game where its effectively “Balanced” around a rock paper scissors system like TBC the over population of a certain comp can actually create advancement problems for comps that are countered by it making progression past that point very difficult.

At best its a chicken and egg argument.

But either way, it proves your statistics are meaningless except to show that every class can compete at the highest levels of play

Source is missing

Hunter double healer is pretty much the only 3’s comp for hunters and thats a very particular playstyle. Not every Hunter is going to find two healers to arena with.

All those comps will only be reaching top levels if they are played by the absolute cream of the crop players. Who would have a way easier time playing the Meta.

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I just named you 2 more… you’re clueless lmao.

Yea so that just means maybe one COMP isn’t as viable without making adjustments… but that just means you adjust your comp. It still doensn’t mean an entire class is useless in the arena.

25% of ALL GLADIATORS in S4 were one of the 3 classes you said can’t compete in arena

Arena teams.

I’m far from clueless. Were talking Glad ranks here, bud.

You whining about rating requirements and meta comps in every thread makes me think you never achieved even a 2k rating, bud.

People are, as usual, conflating like “R1 Gladiator viability” with "general arena viability". You’re not arguing the same points, so although you’re both correct it’s meaningless. Will Hunters and Hpals suffer in the S1 meta? Absolutely. Will there be many Hunters or Hpals getting R1? Not too, too many. Will Hunters and Hpals be able to compete in arena and reach most of their goals (e.g. 2050 for weapon)? Absolutely. They’ll have to play better and they’ll win less than the most meta comps, but it’s not only possible but probable that many Hunter and Hpal players will find success in arena.

You’re arguing past each other.

Hunters have an under 4% rating in season 4 where the drain meta is extinguished by resilience. Rogues and druids clock in at 16% and 15%.

That sucks for Hunters. There will be a lot less Glad geared hunters in TBC. It because of the design of the classes.

Since we know no class adjustments are coming, the gear shouldn’t be gated.

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Really the only specs that are utterly usless are Prot paladin and Holy paladin, and even Holy paladin is still Glad viable, just that getting R1 on holy paladin… I do not envy that ride…

And yet… In season 4 250 hunters still managed to get to Glad.

Up from the 49 who managed to get to Glad in Season 1.


Irrelevant to the point of the thread but thanks for the bump.

Which class is better in arenas overall, warrior or mage?

Which is better in 3’s?

Which is better in 2’s?


Black Bow of the Betrayer, better gear in general and gradual changes in the meta caused this. People realized how strong Hunter/Disc and Hunter/Rdruid could be in a purely mana-drain game with a scorpid pet pretty late into the expansion.

But either way, Hunters and Hpals are absolutely glad viable. They’re just not meta. He’s not arguing in good faith.