RATED PVP - Weapons of Conquest Quest

The Weapons of Conquest quest reward is not my bis. Blizzard, can we think about adding all the 2h options for a reward, for example, for ret paladins? The ret Paladin has no option and the only reward is a 2h mace, which top end is much lower than that of the axe and the mace’s secondary stats are subpar for rets. The 2h axe is an all around better choice than the 2h mace and while the rewarded mace may suffice for the time being, in the end everyone will eventually buy the axe.

So if this was the intended purpose so be it, but if not, can we get some acknowledgement on this? I know it is the first day, so I’ll wait… just thought I would share my two sense for later discussion.

P.S. I am one of the few who preferred the pvp rewarded vault RNG. Sometimes you could get a third secondary stat allocation that was not otherwise obtainable through the vendor, which added a nice little “flair” to one’s secondary stats.


They should just let all weapons be purchasable without spending conquest at the completion of the quest (make them non-sellable). I’m thinking of my monk that I plan on starting as WW, but definitely want to play MW too.


Yeah, my evoker ends up with a completely dead stat on the main hand from the quest, so that sucks.

this was not what i thought would happen. I thought it would basically give you the option to pick your weapon, not preassigned stats. In pvp where we need to stat stack the right thing to gain the benefit its no bueno.

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Well they’ve got 3 weeks to fix it :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah this is a joke. Rather low roll rng and get nothing useful from vault than get something objectively bad guaranteed. At least you’d have a chance at something good.

my Holy Paladin only has the 2h Ret option, did i mess up?

I thought Blizzard decided not letting players choose their stats was bad and that’s why they took away templates?

They really do need to just remove the cost of weapons week 3 so your not forced into the wrong ones or single spec this is really a large oversight I dont understand

Bumping for more clarity. Is there any way you can hotfix the rewards for this quest please? The reward for my main is a 1handed mace and offhand, I prefer to use staves with different secondaries. Im with the OP on this, for 2500 earned conquest it would be way better to get the secondaries we want.

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Most of the blood token gear has also only 1 stat available, which is sometimes useless. Atleast it is a catch up gear, but making a conq 2h have useless stats is gross.

all they had to do was create a token that worked on a pvp vendor


Had the same issue. Was showing prot gear. I ended up switching to holy spec, dropping the quest, logging out, logging back in and then the quest now offered the holy spec items on pickup

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They should just reward a token that lets you trade it in for a wep. Solved.


Is evoker forced to go 1h/oh?

I really hope not. I hate 1h/oh I won’t play that way.

Forcing frost to DW too I bet.

Get to work Blizz and fix this.

While I don’t quite share your…enthusiasm…

It does seem like a complete oversight in an otherwise very easy gearing expansion. Hell, they did away with the vault in order to allow us to just purchase what we wanted instead of relying on RNG - which is weird our quest reward is basically RNG.

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Yeah this is kinda nuts. Some classes getting only 1 option for specs that can use multiple different items. Other specs like my Outlaw Rogue being forced into daggers.

This has to be a bug.


Yeah, that makes me think bug

Fr? No way they’d make OL use daggers. I really hope this is a bug that gets changed very very soon.

I can see people ending up crafting a conq wep now because of the quest only to possibly be hindering their overall conq gains by week 3.

Is anyone in Bug report forum about this? We should be making noise.

I’m not able to log in to game now and look and won’t be able to until later today, So I don’t feel good about posting there myself, not without direct knowledge.

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