RATED PVP - Weapons of Conquest Quest

Honestly this oversight just showcases how little respect Blizzard has for the PvP community. They couldn’t even be bothered to set up a decent system. Just a half-arsed thrown together quest with clearly little to no thought put into the rewards.

It’s a shame no other game scratches the WoW PvP itch. So, take this strongly worded letter, while I write you another check for $15, and question my life choices.


Yeah, this is lame asf. The evoker quest reward is a crit mace with a mastery offhand… can we not have an opportunity to pick one of the several weapons being sold for our spec? Its weird to give some classes what they need and some something useless?


I put something in Bug report since I didn’t see anyone else.


I’d like to chime in on this thread and add that I started earning conquest before picking up this quest.

And unforuntely it doesn’t retroactively count. :frowning:


Wow…You’d think it’d see how much conquest you currently have towards the cap and retroactively reward it.

Also in terms of the wep…I have a good feeling this is just a huge fumble that they’re going to fix in the coming weeks.


I have vague memories of an important quest, Maybe it was in BFA? Anyway it was something you got but could not complete for some days.

It was displaying only some rewards but when completed there was a much larger set of rewards to choose from.

That’s sorta what makes me think it’s a bug.

And there is time to fix it.

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Yeah I removed the quest from my log, swapped specs, re picked it up, still daggers.

I swapped my loot spec to specifically outlaw, dropped the quest, re picked it up, still daggers lmao.

I had this issue too until I logged out and back in.

please, as Dev, let me play with a staff. I do not need crit (remember when you nerfed it in pvp?). I prefer staff mogs as well. just let me chose

Honestly, given that you can’t have embellishments on the conquest quest weapon, it’s such a waste.

The conquest quest should reward a piece of conquest ( any slot) of our choice rather than subpar welfare weapon.

This would have been ideal. On my pally, I meant to switch to holy as I was already planning to craft a 2h, but forgot and remembered after earning 1200 conquest, womp womp. I still reset it, but now it will take me an extra week.

pls blizzard change quest ty

Started the season as survival. If I wanted to swap to MM, I have no way of getting the ranged weapon other than spending conquest. Why? Please just let us choose which weapon we want.