Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)


Robots are kinda weird… 0/10 can we have normal gnomes again?

Hood’s a little off but the rest looks good.

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8/10, shoulders and braces are off…

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sharp, elegant. 10/10

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Hm. The colors don’t totally match up but I’ll Def give points for creativity. 8/10

The colors mesh well, looks very priestly. But it’s kind of bland. 5/10

Typical troll set. Kinda average. 5/10

A little too bare bone for me, though it’s tribal in a Florida kind of vibe.



I like the armor and weapons but the tabard makes zero sense and drags the mog down.

How so? Demons infiltrated the Scarlet Crusade all the time…

In disguise. They would never let you in looking the way you do.

Of course, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t still wear the garb. You can turn a glamour on and off.


This is my opinion. I don’t think the tabard makes sense plus it doesn’t even match your armor.

I got rated a 5 and called typical troll mog that isn’t typical lol. I never see anyone wearing this :joy:

8.8/10. I don’t like how the belt has green and, weapon. I think you could find something that matches the helm and shoulders better, then it’d be 10 by my standards.

It’s a bit messy but I like the colors. 7/10

kk here ya go

nice and solid. very orcish. 10/10

Normal gnomes are best gnomes. 10/10 would pick up again and hug.


The human heritage armor is nice but it’s just a set.