Continuing the discussion from Rate the transmog above you (Part 1) - #7511 by Fixiu-dalaran.
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Continuing the discussion from Rate the transmog above you (Part 1) - #7511 by Fixiu-dalaran.
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Ah… system
, we weep because you are stuck with the generic WoW logo default avatar picture. Stuck with the likes of deleted characters and those new characters whose profile gets stuck that way for days, weeks, etc. before finally updating.
Do we rate you 0/10 just because you are properly fulfilling your role?
Nah, since we did automatically continue to Part 2, I shall give you a 1/10 just for that.
Oh, system, my beautiful system, I weep at the missed chance to rate your mog. Phara cannot understand your beauty, thus giving you a mere 1/10, but I can see you for what you truly are.
You are truly the fairest of them all. System, my beloved system, I aware you the 10/10 you truly deserve.
Phara, my dear sweet dwarf, your mog is absolutely exquisite. The blue. The white. The flowers! Ah, the flowers! Such a beautiful piece and you even added a cat!
Such a masterpiece must be given an 11/10. However, since you insulted my beloved system with such an appalling rating, I must remove a star from your rating, thus leaving you at a mere 10/10.
Jim Pickens demands you rate him!
I like it. He looks really intimidating with that helm and the axe.
Pretty good. Looks like a desert explorer who has found the bow of legend.
Gets an 8/10
You pull off the demon look really well. I could see you being another concept art of a succubus. The wings are kinda off but otherwise good 8/10
10/10, has the crocodile Dundee Rogue look down.
The boots and gloves dont match the set. And it appears you arent sure if youre a hunter or a druid
And I love how the other post with 7400 posts closed because of the 5000 post max.
5/10 im sorry its just that ive personally seen the Superman set like 500 times now and i will always think no shoulders is a cop out
The colors match, the armor looks functional and has good form, and it’s a true mog. 8/10
10/10 for the name
8/10 for the mog, needs more skulls
@Dreadmoon 10/10 perfect look for a blood dk!
classic shaman. 10/10
wow, that is dangerously beautiful
7/10. Feels more priest than mage but solid overall.
that hat, i forgot about it. now thats a scary lock hat. well coordinated. 10/10
Simple but decently complementary. Though that staff doesn’t really match well with the rest of the outfit. 6/10
The shoulders are iffy simply because of their size, but everything else looks really cool, especially the spikey bits on your back.
8/10 the shoe seem wrong type I think
10/10, everything works well together.