Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

Gives off the ‘glyph of fel-touched shards’ look that warlocks have is all :slight_smile: Since I saw your name in blue, it was momentary confusion when I saw your toon because my first thought was warlock shards but you were a mage. It’s a cool look, though!

Example from wowhead of the warlock shards for similarity:

Lumiya. Thats SUPER purple, makes you more puntable. 10/10

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Pretty dope, I like the floaty shoulders especially 8/10

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this looks like if the transmog screen had a “randomize” option you just closed your eyes and pressed it 5 times and went with whatever it spat out. 0/10 do better.

Mmhm, Zaldin@EmeraldDream is my warlock. Destruction. I didn’t get the Black Harvest title because I actually wasn’t good enough to beat the quest during Pandaria.

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I actually hit it six times. :slight_smile:

You look like a grizzled knight from a movie. Good job. 10/10

You’re wearing a full set but it’s a rare set and an extremely rare weapon. 6/10 for the weapon alone.

I love the purple and gold tones. 8/10

I got ya.

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ok I LOVE that you have a theme going and your toons have a similar style and color scheme - your mage + warlock. Both look menacing and powerful!


I really love the steel and teal combo you have going on, and how the little bits of gold tie in with your hair, making your overall look cohesive and well put together!

Thank you! I love that particular leather set and the purple (of course) with gold - the cape ties it all together nicely and looks great on you with that set. Well done!


Thanks! That’s actually precisely what I was going for, ESPECIALLY the grizzled part.

Love yours too! Looks like your demon hunter has been through the wringer. 10/10!

Aaaah, TY! I LOVE yours too! BIG nether vibes!! ,11/10

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When I first saw yours I was like, “Wow, they look like an important NPC designed by Bliz themselves”


Pretty cool, with the colors, and right amount of detail.


Next rater: this is the mog minus the Mantle of Burnished Blades.

love it. need a pretty purple glow on weapons. 9.5/10

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you look fantastic. 10/10
is that a full set? its beautiful.


Abhorrent spawn of the nether. Tim Burton’s version of Munchkins that should be lost to time.

Out. I cast ye out. Back whence you came, turn back into the copper spittoon you came from!



0/10 is a baaad score. :joy:

that’s a nice crown, might look good with gift of n’zoth

purple = win ( ??? )

You mean George Lucas. Silly demon turned Scarlet Crusader. hehe

the tabard needs an update and the weapons need some elemental enchants. 9/10 for the tabard on a demon. lol

so sayeth his majesty, lord of the wow transmog competition, asmongold

your mog is Awesome. the yellow glowy bits, wonderful 10/10

The armory doesn’t show the visuals that I have on it (one is frost while the other is fire). And the tabard on the demon technically fits, since the Dreadlords did have a big influence on the Scarlet Crusade.

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if blizz just let us customize height and width, you could actually discern the pieces of my gear, as it stands, i call this look, brambles. its so scrunched up and entangled . /sniff
blizz dont like shorties. wonder why the armory keeps forgetting enchant appearances and its not consistent