Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

Usually not a fan of ‘white’ transmogs (just a personal preference) but the gold highlights help out a lot and it really goes well together. 10/10

the helm is cool but doesnt match the browns and tans of the rest of your armor. i think going with smokey blue gear, would really show off the helm. 9/10

my gear is prep for tww arcane mage spellfire talent orbs, which are 3 yellow firey orbs with pink around perimeter that float above your head. so thats why the pink and yellow

The dress is kind of the part that lets the mog down. Everything else mixes a dark color with a brighter one whereas the dress is just yellow. 6/10

I think there are few pieces from Nighthold mythic that may help.

8/10 definitely a solid orc death knight transmog, bulky and scary. The boots have a good model but the color seems a little off / standing out.

Mostly a set, but the real battle is the grind to get everything which I can respect. 8/10

Zervziel you are gorgeous! I love the way your light blue hair ties in with the pops of light blue in your transmog robe and the footwear. Love the blue and silver combo.

Solid 10/10

What is the little red sticking out over your left shoulder? EDIT: Oh I see, fire and ice? This must be a mage shoulder piece. Neat!


1/10 because no mogs look good on gnomes.


0/10 for being rude and not following instructions.

Nobody cares how you feel about a race, this is about mogs, and yes gnomes can look good.

Btw, I have no idea what this guy’s problem is. This is a really good mog.


how am i being rude or not following instructions?

i don’t think mogs look good on gnomes so i rated it a 0. get a life.

your mog looks like something a 3 year old would throw up in their sleep. 0/10. please change it. complete eye sore.

Ok 0/10 for being rude and wearing a full set. You didn’t come up with that look, Blizzard did.

you probably aren’t even self aware enough to realize you are the rude one here. Sad!

8/10. Looks nice, n I dig the boots

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Simple, black, but you lost me at the bare feet? I’m sure there’s a reason for it. The weapon is HUGE too.

8/10 With The Gilnean Noble’s Top Hat.

This looks super cool - a LOT of gold, but I like how you tied in the shoulders/waist theme from the set and got some red in there, too - though with the greenish floaty orbs it feels like you want to be a warlock with soul shards :wink:


@Bisa ty, btw :purple_heart:

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yeah they’re part of the boots which I really like so I took the loss there lol. It also doesn’t show my Gilnean Noble’s Top Hat, which makes the mog look so much better.

apparently, it’s rude to checks notes have preferences now. wow okay. thanks bisa-the-karen. i didn’t know.

The Blood Magi verdant spheres are explicity demonic souls siphoned to empower spells.

0/10 it’s a mage wearing a warlock themed mog. fail.

Beautiful mog. 10/10

Interesting look. I’m not sure if I like it but it’s unique and everything matches. 7/10

I love this look. Built something similar on my mage but I used the dress. 10/10


LOVE the reds and golds here. It’s like a different take on the Judgment set. 10/10!