Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

i like the whole succubus sorta thing u got goin on


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Cool looking blue plate outfit.


oh pretty. like a black light poster. 10/10



It’s just so hard to make a Mecha-gnome look good.

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Very pretty. The contrast of skin, hair and eyes is gorgeous. 10/10

7/10. I personally can’t do tabards with robes and kilts. It breaks up the flow for me.

But I like it. Belt choice is good too.

You look ready in your ceremonial outfit to take control of the earth, air, and fire.


tabard and floral combo is nice. boots and pants dont match so well but are red, white and blue. 9/10

10/10, everything flows well.

Still a work in progress, trying to figure out other pieces that will work with the Shado-Pan set.

Like the weapon choice. Chest piece kind of sticks out but still works. Good look for the class as well; 9.5/10

Still working on a decent set of shoulders for this toon but the rest is adequately morbid and creepifying…

Very spooky. I like it. Reminds of some dark cultist. Like to know what you’re backstory is for being holy priest looking this way

My tabard is supposed to be hidden

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Mainly play shadow. Swap to holy to keep in practice for healing.

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Very solid spooky priest mog. Looks great. 9.5/10

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8.8/10. I’m a slave to uniformity in my color scheme, and I prefer my boots dark. Also never liked that boot design. Looks too clunky to me.

Still a pretty good mog.

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So much purple.


Very summery 6/10

Holy cow! Also 6/10

Copperfur Jones
absolute “I am going to dig up the pyramid” wibes.
(because 0 - 6 is the only correct scale of assessment).

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9/10 i like the simplicity, purple pants not so much

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I really, really like this mog. Very sinister. 10/10

I’m wearing the Tabard of the Tyr’s Guard but for some reason the Armory doesn’t recognize it.