Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

Very nicely done. an oh Captain my Captain feel.

I give Russell Crowe/10 (aka 10/10)


So cute I would steal you 10/10


I like the simplicity and how it works.
a solid 7.5/10

I’m sorry but I’m not a fan of this mog. I think I see what you were going for but the pieces just don’t really match either other.


7/10 I like the red it meshes well with your war paint/tattoos. Good mog :+1:

My mog is a set mix so dunno how some y’all will rate me. But I think this is the best lock mog.

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9/10 you are basically Gul’dan

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ya need a nice red or black headpiece to finish it off. i realize the neckscarf is the headpiece but it just looks like part of the chest piece. 9/10

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I’m jealous how good you look.

you look amazing and the deep blue with white eyes and hair is pretty, especially with the glowy fx on the helm 10/10, makes it classy

I always enjoy looking at a mog you put together. I may not always like it but it’s guaranteed to be interesting. This happens to be one I like. Good job. 10/10


You look lovely.


5/10 :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_uwu: I suppose


nice nice and nice 10/10
i like the red/blue weapons and the braids

Simple and elegant - 8/10

Too simple for me but I like the look :+1:t2:

you look a bit like mograine, good job 10/10

I’d say 8/10. An interesting look for a mage. Very un-whimsical for a magic caster.

Y’all can skip me if you want. Blizzard has decided not to update me since my Shadowmourne quest run before last weeks lock out.


Zug zug


The helm looks too purple when I see your profile but I think that’s because of the lighting/DK background. I’m not one to talk with my weapons though xD. Best I had for this mog.

Anyway, Solid 9/10