Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

Looks amazing! I love the subtle purple mixed in with gold. 10/10

Get off my lawn !!

I really love the brown and gold tones of your mog. 10/10

A classic not to be F’d with. I like the pop of the main hand axe too 9/10

Good color matching, theme is cool. Only thing I’d ding are the low res boots but I could see why you picked them. 9.5/10

Bit of an odd choice for your left pauldron and the belt is too much of a warm color against the cool.


i always give 10/10 so people smile :slight_smile:

Then I’m making sure you get a 10/10 yourself!

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Yours is…can you even call that a transmog?

tabard doesnt fit your race and the weps/enchant effect dont fit your class.

honestly a 1/10

0/10 for skipping.

9/10. Lovely lock/necro theme with the staff and purple translucence around the sleeves and hem. Outfit coordinates will with hair and skin tone, and overall vibe. Only thing holding it back is the questionable head backplate and the somewhat bland torso area. All in all a superior warlock look, though.

10/10 looks like a blacksmith npc

sorry I was late posting

for the one above, 9/10

i like all of it, except the color of the boots. i like that they are thigh high but the color doesnt march the blue on the staff or your tiara. 9.5/10

Super interesting spin on a Warlock! 9/10, I’m just not quite sure how I feel on the gloves.

Here’s me!

wonderful. shoulders are great. 10/10

i have a back image of this char to show you why i went with the gloves



Got some great funk going on.

very nice. love the silver/purple theme. 10/10

Holy tesla with a gun/10 I like it.

Like the dark priest vibe going on. 8/10

ty but its a stave not a gun hehe. your mog is so dramatic and stylish. 10/10

pally panda ftw. 9.5/10.