Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

I started out at about 5/10 but then I took a good look…I’d give this a solid 9/10 it’s grown on me…

The name tickles me and the transmog is actually sick. I feel like I would never wear it but that’s because I am not cool enough :frowning_face: Hat is the cherry on top. 9/10!

so fun and colorful 10/10

Very regal, very ballroom masquerade.

8/10 I dig the wolf shaman transmogs

I was originally going to only give like a 2/10, but then I noticed your name, which bumps it all the way to probably a 8 or 9 outta 10.

Good stuff!

scary with the skull, actually. 8/10

Like the simplicity! Not sure I’m in love with the helm or not.


Human in a can with a few sharp edges, I’m cool with that, I have a couple of can openers.


Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Your prefile is hidden sadly.

Theme, don’t mind me, just exploring some delves.

Very classic, very human. Feel like you should be at the table of the round.


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Very Orc and savage, 9/10

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An NPC from TBC that has a quest that gives very good loot.



You look like a Dark Souls boss

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very creative, i thought you were a troll. if the cosplay was intended 10/10

so classy! 10/10
those shoulders are great

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Very nice! Everything goes well together.


I picked some pants that are smae color as my skin, for the effect.


Definitely my type of skin being shown.

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10/10 very dark and fits a warlock.

awesome! `10/10

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