Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

I love the fact you’re thinking outside the box but the golds from the heritage set don’t quite match the golds from the CE set.


Thank you so much for the rating, and I’m not complaining, I just don’t know what you mean by this.

The shoulders and belt are from the Light Avenger 3 piece set from the Trading Post.
The chest, boots and gloves are from Judgement (tier 2).
And the pants are just a dungeon drop from TBC.

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9/10 a very solid look and having the CE matching its colors just adds to it. Only thing stopping the 10/10 is its basically a set.

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Eh, kinda basic. 7/10

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This is a really good mog. Nice job dude. 10/10

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Doesn’t fit a hunter theme. 4/10

The Scarlet Crusade would never accept a worgen into their ranks. 4/10

p.s. My race has the blood of Ragnaros running through our veins. What are you even talking about?

Metaphorically, not literally. You look like an edgy, lit candle than an actual hunter.

Ok, if this isn’t the Hunter “theme” then why did Blizzard put all these pets into the game that are made of magma?

My pets Basalt, Blaze, Deathstalker Dreadfire, Kindleweb, Lavafang, Magamagan, Rekk’tilac, Terropene and Zaqali was literally captured walking around in lava.

@Darken, 9/10 like the theme.

@Hereswith 8/10 the weapon glow is a bit too much.

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I don’t think your boots quite match because they have gray accents while your shoulders and gloves have black. It’s almost like your top half is its own set and the bottom half + weapon is its own set.


But I’m wearing pieces from three different sets…

Ugh, whatever. I don’t know what’s up this morning but I’m getting the weirdest damn ratings. I don’t know if it’s from the same person or what. It’s not about the number either… I don’t care if someone doesn’t like my mog but it feels like they’re either not looking at it or I’m getting trolled.

“It’s a set.”
“Not the class theme.”
“Nothing unique.”

Anyways, carry on. Just venting.


going with 6/10 not much unique.

Fightsmid - Character (blizzard.com)

its a hunter wearing green.



green? Visit your local eye care specialist. my mog isn’t good but not sure where the green comes from…Hunter name is in green…but that’s it…

rate this one not my reply

lovely use of red 10/10

p.s. maybe color blind affect - red looks green or gray

Protanopia (aka red-blind) – Individuals have no red cones.


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Very Kirin Tor. However the shoulders throw it off ever so slightly. Did you get new shoulders and not Xmog them yet? 8.5/10 due to the mismatch of shoulders but can revise if something changes.

Revised to 9.5/10 Very nice.

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eek, love your mog. the shoulders are ancient but fit in perfectly. 10/10

so i updated my shoulders - same style as before but with pink crystals on the side lol

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Very nice! 9/10, everything looks really good. A belt with 3D aspects is my only suggestion, but it’s a solid set overall.


so tasteful and understated. 10/10
love the tabard, too


Your blue matches very well with the white and gold! Love it!


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You promise to melt me?


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