Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

nay its cool i have barely play over the past 10 years so im working with what i have. green because unholy

I like that you got all one color on all your stuff. Nice weapon! 8/10!


You chose all of your pieces really well! Each color compliments each other very nicely. +points for being a hairy naughtymog 11/10


Simple but deliberate - the look works. 9.5/10.


Smooth and clean I like it, 8/10.

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I canā€™t the profile is hidden from what I see in the icon itā€™s very Vanilla WoW Quest Hobo with some T3 shoulders.

Really nice, subtle twist on the Blood Hunter set.



Savage. 9/10

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A solid look. Almost a high elf look if thats what you were going for. 9/10

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Revised 9/10 everything flows well with the new weapon.

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Skip me for this and rate Sendalor but ya I dont know why Its showing that weapon I had swapped it over to the https://www.wowhead.com/item=163527/headhunters-spear

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9/10 I really like your transmog. It reminds me of Canadaā€¦Not sure if that is intendedā€¦ ā€¦

Cuponoƶdle - Character (blizzard.com)

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Frosty. you look like a dk. 10/10

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Not very warlocky but I like the theme! 7.5/10

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Gonna be honest here, Iā€™m not really sure what youā€™re going for.



Color scheme is really good for Nightborne.

Only criticism is it feels like thereā€™s not a lot of gear there. Thereā€™s an elegance to the simplicity, but it feels like itā€™s missing something.

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I think you look great!

Thereā€™s two other head pieces Iā€™d rather for my new look, but didnā€™t want to take time away from leveling to do ToT or find a group to farm the last DF raid. :unamused:


I really love your whole voodoo vibe you got going on. :slight_smile:

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9/10, only thing that feels a little out of place are the weapons.

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i really really like your legs, not so sure about the tabard covering your chestpiece, but it does have a good flow.


i wish i had a staff to match the other void weaponsā€¦

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