Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

10/10 simply because you remind me of a bartender I once knew. Fine lady. Dig the eye patch.

For any other class it’d be a 7/10. But being a hunter and knowing how bad your choices are for cool looking xmog it’s an 8.9/10. I like it, it all goes together and Zandalari Trolls are just badass anyway.

10/10 for your excellent use of color.

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I see what you were going for, and I suspect the armory lighting is doing you injustice, as the slight variations in hues of your composite pieces are heightened above what they would be visibly in-game. It also looks like you may be suffering from #justgnomemogs and experiencing a weird issue with the waistline of your dress being abridged.

That said, concept and effort are endearing me to this one. 7/10.

Nice tribal-looking rig, and I’m definitely a fan of the blue. 9/10.

Me, I’m dressing for the long-awaited addition of my Turbo-Charged Flying Machine to top zoom flying.

Nice, simple, and clean Argent mog, looking like a proper humble paladin with an engineering flair. 10/10.

so tidy. very pandaren. 10/10

I’m surprised how well this one is working for me, being so heavily one solid blob of a single color, but it’s a nice color, and you’ve got just enough else going on throughout it to break up the monotony.

Also, shoulder twinsies!


cute! 10/10. very chipper


Arr ye scummy blaggart, I be knockin’ yer 9/10 up to full marks if’n ye sign onto me crew o’ the damned.

9.5/10 - xmog the empty shoulder with something different than the other side

so good. 10/10.

swank. snazzy. stylish 10/10

Very dark, very deadly
(edit: made my profile public lol)

Profiles hidden couldn’t rate sry bud <3

7/10 for the corrupted dwarf.

Very Conan, 9/10.

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happy warrior. 10/10. she looks like she could launch into a dirge, but zesty and spunky. haha

Very old school Orc like it 8/10

my favorite part is the face tats. so expressive

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