Rate that mog! Again, and again, and

Forgot to rate you…5/10, nothing matches and it’s a slutmog…

I love it. Shado-Pan ftw! 9/10

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Classic Malfurion-looking druid outfit. Nice! 8/10

Ehhhh, rather cookie-cutter. While it looks good, it doesn’t do anything special.

I take it that my rating is bad, since you didn’t give me one. Anyway, nice combo of red and gold, and the polearm seems to work as well. Fiery paladin look. 9/10. To the next poster, please skip me and present your own mog

@ Lightreaver - have an 8/10 anyways.

@ Callidour - I love your color palette but your pauldrons are so big :grin: It’s amusing. 8/10

Thank you haha! I’m just gonna go ahead and rate you because I took a look at your mog and if I’m going off how good your mog goes with hunters, you get a solid 10. Its very…green BUT dark. Perfect for hiding in the woods.

Also no need to rate me again whomever is next:)

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Might as well get one more rating in before heritage armor comes out
Ain’t I the cutest lil blue collar gobbo?

@Penthea: 3/10
@Callidour: 3/10

@Lightreaver, I simply don’t believe in ratings. It’s easier to allow construction when you’re not confined to numbers. If you want a rating, I’d say a 7.
@Scabber, you pulled off the “savage” type of goblin outfit very well. Excellent work!

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Love your look. Excellent blend of sets. 10/10

It’s not! It’s two sets.

  • Chest, belt, legs = Warmongering Combatant’s leather set from WoD.
  • Hat, gloves, shoulders, feet = Fierce Gladiator’s Dragonhide from Legion
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Cant tell if your mog is a set or not. What i can tell is that it makes you look like the barbarian chief from Robin Hood prince of thieves dude; more warrior than druid: 8.5/10.

@Flonola - Looks cool, I agree it really looks like a chieftain or tribal leader. Which is still awesome. Is it an actual set though?
@Terrorsane - Umm, where to start? Is it a work in progress? Either something is missing, or I’m missing the concept of the mog. The mismatched weapons don’t really do well either.
I’m pretty proud of my current mog. I call it “For Elune!”

Wow I love that Night elf warrior set. LOVE IT! 9/10

You don’t have to have played wc3 to know what a DH is; ahould know by now and no this is not a wip. Furthermore mirrored weapons are, lets just say: bland.

@Airiden, relatively nice wondering warrior/Japanese bandit theme going. You watch Zatoichi? 8/10.

Your pieces are cluttered and clashing together. Perhaps try sticking with the red and black color scheme of the helm and belt, rather than adding more shades of red and purple. 6/10


Because there are so many patterns/textures going on, the aku’mai leggings are eye catching in a bad way. I have to refocus on the rest of the mog to really get a good look at it. It’s really cool, love how the wardenguard pieces tie in to the rest of it, save for the leggings. They fit color-wise, though, and it doesn’t detract that much :]

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like the top
a solid 8/10

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This is a pretty popular combination of a Classic and WoD set. I dig it! The only thing I don’t like is your shirt and shoes. 7/10

Exceptionally nice and sleek. 10/10

i woves it
its a good stand out of the crowd look
a 10/10