Rare Drops: Defining Lucky/Unlucky

In threads about mount drops or other rare items, I often see people answer the question

How many attempts will I need before I get the item?


It’s random, so it could take 1 attempt, or it could never drop.

That answer always annoys me because, while it’s technically true, it’s not helpful, and it can make players believe that getting a drop after 100 attempts is as likely as getting a drop after 1000 attempts. Or equivalently, there are an equal number of players who will get a drop at 100 and 1000 attempts.

In this thread, I want to explain a basic framework that can quantify how lucky or unlucky a player is and give a reasonable estimate for the max number of attempts a player could expect a rare item to take. But first, some background information.

Geometric Distribution:
Mount drops can be modeled using something called a geometric distribution. I’ll try to explain the concepts in a way that is easy to understand, even if you don’t have any background with probability.

Geometric distributions are used to model situations where there is an experiment with two outcomes that are labeled as a success or failure. Each experimental trial’s outcome (success or failure) has a fixed probability that will not change throughout your trials. If you meet these conditions, you can use the geometric distribution to calculate the probability of having your first success occur after n number of trials. Or equivalently failing n-1 times then succeeding.

In our case, the experiment is looting a mob/chest, and the two outcomes are getting the mount or not getting the mount. The drop rate for the item is fixed between each run; invincible will have a 1% drop rate at 1 attempt and at 200 attempts.

A Coin Flip:
One requirement to be able to use the geometric distribution is that the outcome of one trial cannot influence the outcome of another (another way of saying the probability of success/failure does not change). This property is called Independence, and a simple example of an independent event is a coin flip.

As you know, the probability of flipping heads/tails (assuming the coin isn’t rigged) is 50%. Even if you flip heads 10 times in a row, the probability that the next coin flip will be heads is 50%. Your previous flips do not affect the outcome of your next flip.

A neat property of independent events is that you can calculate the overall probability of a sequence of events by multiplying the probability of each event together. So the probability of flipping heads 10 times in a row is (1/2)^10 or 0.0976%.

Using the Geometric Distribution:
The geometric distribution uses the property of independence to calculate the probability of getting your first success after n trials with the following equation.

P(X = N) = (1 - P)^N-1 * P

Where P is the probability of success, 1-P is the probability of failure, and N is the number of trials.

Using a 1% drop rate as an example, the probability of getting a drop at 50 attempts is
P(X = 50) = (1-0.01)^49*0.01 = 0.135%

Cumulative Probability:

In the above example, we found the probability of getting a drop at a specific number of attempts. But what if we want to know the probability of taking N or more attempts? Say 50 or more, for example.

It’s pretty simple you just calculate the probability of getting a drop at 1,2,3…49 attempts, add them all together, then subtract that number from 1. Doing this by hand is a pain, but online calculators can do this for you. If you do the above steps, you’ll find that the probability of requiring 50 or more attempts before getting a 1% drop is 61.11%.

You can use this online calculator to find the cumulative probability of a specified number of attempts. The lower cumulative represents the probability of N or fewer attempts, and the upper cumulative represents N or more attempts

Quantifying Luck: The Law of Large Numbers

Telling someone that for a 1% drop rate, they have a 90% chance to have seen a mount drop by 228 attempts can be confusing. It goes against people’s intuition that the drop rate is constant, so how can some number of attempts be different from another.

I’ve found another way of explaining it using something called the law of large numbers. The law of large numbers states.

“the average of the results obtained from a large number of trials should be close to the expected value and tends to become closer to the expected value as more trials are performed.”

What this means is that instead of talking about the probability of seeing a mount after 228 attempts like the above example, we can say that for a large enough population of mount farmers, 90% of them will have gotten a drop by 228 attempts. Framing it in this way is easier to understand IMO.

The point at which 90% of players would have gotten a drop is also called the 90th percentile. This online calculator can be used to find whatever percentile you are interested in.
You just enter the drop rate and percentile as a decimal.

The percentile a player is a part of indicates how lucky/unlucky they are. If someone is in the 95th percentile, that means 95% of other players would have already gotten a drop, but they still haven’t, so they are unlucky. If they are part of the 5th percentile, only 5% of players would have gotten a drop by then, so they are lucky.

You can also use percentiles to calculate a reasonable maximum number of attempts a random person could expect a farm to take. By assigning a percentile as a ‘reasonable maximum’, we can give a good answer to

How many attempts will I need before I get the item?

Setting the maximum number of attempts to the 99th percentile will cover the vast majority of players, so that’s usually the number I tell someone. Of course, it could take more than that many attempts but only for the top 1% of unlucky players.


This is a great post


You’re like that one person who paid attention in math and statistics classes and actually uses it IRL. Impressive!


Sorry for the long post hopefully it’s easy enough to understand. Been wanting to write this for a long time but I wasn’t 100% on the details. It’s possible that there are some mistakes in here. Feel free to point them out.

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Nice write up. BUt I think this game uses more Bayesian type statistics for me.

Since my luck is so bad, its probability could be quantitfied to the decimal points used in say the e value from hidden markov model runs seen in biological sequence analysis lol.

For non stat peeps that e value is really really small. like .(20+ zeroes) (then real number) small.

The frustration with these types of systems is the futility. Because every roll of the proverbial dice is independent - progress is impossible.

Sticking with the drop chance of 1%. You can ask “What is the expected value of the number of runs I need?” For those of you who know your infinite series math (or for the rest of us with google); the expected number of trials is 1/p. In this case 1 / 0.01 = 100. Cool So today, I have done zero run, my expected number runs to do is 100.

The question you should ask yourself: Let’s say I’ve completed 99 “failed” runs. What is my expected number of future runs? (take a moment to come up with an answer).

Intuitively 1 more run “feels” like the right answer - no?

The sense of futility is the number of expected runs never changes. The expected value of future runs is exactly equal to the expected value of future runs given N failed runs.

The answer to the question above is 100. No matter how many failed runs you have in your rear-view window your expected number of future runs is still 100. Mathematically E[X] = E[X|N’] the Expected value of X is the same as the expected value of X given N failed trials. Independance is powerful in probability, but she’s a cruel mistress.

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On average, it should take someone 1 divided by the drop rate times to get the mount.

So if a mount drops 5 times out of 100, the drop rate is 0.05, and it should take an average of 1/0.05 = 20 times to get the mount.

Delro, will you pick me up after school?


Sorry about your luck Charlie Brown

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I’m not following what you mean here at all. With 1% drop chance if you kill a boss 50 times then you have a 39.5% chance of getting your drop in 50 attempts, not 0.135%

Maybe you’re describing something else entirely, but I think generally most people in WoW care about this equation:

P(N) = 1 - (1-P)^N
Odds of getting your mount = 100% - (100% - Drop Chance)^#Kills

What do you consider “on average” to mean?

In your example above, “Should take an average of 20 times to get the mount” means you have a 64% chance to get it, and 36% chance to not get it.

Some might consider 64% chance to be average but others might not. Or you might say that “on average” it takes 14 kills since 51% of players would get the mount after 14 kills. The term isn’t really defined here

The expected value, here. If you take the average of the amount of attempts needed to get the mount by a bunch of people, it would be 1/r times :smiley:

It’s 50/50. You either get the drop or you don’t.

No need to complicate it. (Yes, this is a joke).


Good stuff!

When mount farming I always went into it like this… I have a 0% chance of getting the mount if I don’t try at all. And a greater than 0% chance by trying.

I’ve gotten many rare mounts over the years with persistence, including the ever-coveted love rocket.

However I think my greatest, rarest mount may actually be the emerald drake. But I’m not sure which non-tcg mount is the rarest.

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It’s the average amount of times taken to get the mount by a bunch of people.

The average salary is higher than the median salary because you have people like Jeff Bezos, who in this case would take forever to get the mount.

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It is. Averages and medians confuse a lot of people. Check out this similar question on StackExchange for an easy way to understand the answer (the first one with 16 upvotes):


If you cannot provide proof, do not insist that you are right and others are wrong.

Op’s post sounds right since I always heard that for most very low percent mounts, in Wow, there is a 90 percent chance that the player would have got the mount on ONE of the drops when the player has done it 400 times; I think that is true for Baron Rivendare’s, the Heartbreaker, etc.

However, that doesn’t mean you have a 90 percent chance to get it on the 401st drop if you haven’t yet. :wink:

Some guy the other day, in a thread on the Heartbreaker, said he got it after 400 attempts total across his characters. So I thought, “What I read sounds about right, then?” And I also knew it will take me about 20 more years with my 3 characters. :wink:

Yeah I guess I was confused that when you said “on average” you literally did mean a mathematical average. I’ve never seen anyone care about a mathematical average, and I wouldn’t consider it relevant at all to WoW drop chances.

Fair enough, deleted my posts

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