Okay as someone who is farming out essences now it’s a pretty painful process
It would have been fine if they hadn’t layered another grind on
I still think leg work should be required but like some of these grinds take weeks
Okay as someone who is farming out essences now it’s a pretty painful process
It would have been fine if they hadn’t layered another grind on
I still think leg work should be required but like some of these grinds take weeks
They really should have made that essence available in current content. Since Azshara is part of the Xanesh encounter, maybe they could have had a large number of aqueous reliquaries drop from that or something, maybe an amount equal to doing a full EP run on that difficulty.
There are plenty of other games for you out there that offer tons of instant gratification, leave that stuff out of this game. This isn’t fortnite.
Yeah, I worded that incorrectly. My mind still gets stuck in 2019 sometimes so I thought 2020 was still next year and I was hoping Feb/March.
So, you’re ok with driving people that wanted to play WoW after a break into quitting again? FF14 and ESO numbers have been rising and those players are coming from somewhere. On the other hand, although Blizz states that its player numbers doubled in Q4 they’re counting the players of classic along with the ones playing BfA. And they still aren’t confident enough to release character numbers.
In Legion, at a certain point, they opened the weapon up to everyone. You still had to track down gear, etc, but considering how much of a different essences make , it would be comparable to what it was like trying to level a legendary at the end of Legion.
Those freebies at the end of Legion kept people in game by giving them the option to level alts. If they gave people essences, how many would stick around to level alts? The other option would be watching those players that came back for whatever reason quit again. And that’s still not healthy for the game.
If it keeps the instant gratification stuff out of this game, yes. I am very okay with that. There are plenty of other games that those players would enjoy more anyway if that’s the type of game play they want.
The expansion is literally over.
Nothing until pre-patch for Shadowlands.
I see no issue with giving players boosts to essences. They already boosted the heart AP acquisition.
What are people going to do? Make achieving AotC feasible? gasp
Not like you can’t buy a run for gold to get it.
I think the people who complain or are insistent on newcomers and latecomers not being given a leg up to be on ‘equal’ terms are really disingenuous and also hurt the community that they’re in, regardless if it’s PvP or PvE themed.
I do agree that player progression is important to World of Warcraft but there’s also a point and time where such mechanics work against the ability to play. Most of the essences, and corruption, are basically built upon weeks and weeks of effort. One is severely hurt if they’re unable to attain this.
Some may view it as ‘taking away’ what they’ve rightfully earned. Perhaps. But World of Warcraft and its community has more to lose by simply being bullheaded and not acceding that sometimes, not everyone has the ability or wont to play World of Warcraft a few hours a day, or week.
Thankfully Battle for Azeroth is soon ending, and we’ll all enjoy more conceivable progression.
It seems weird.
Like… I have gotten characters raid geared from just doing world quests.
It’s silly to act like most of these things mean anything in the current state of the game anymore.
I’m 457 ilevel and I could go higher. The problem with myself is that I don’t care to, and I find it being ‘adequate’. Especially after I got AoTC. So i’m spending my time running and doing other things in World of Warcraft that brings me enjoyment.
As crass as it may be, i’m against FOMO and artificial barriers being placed down that limit others flexibility, mobility and enjoyment of the game. I feel over time, during an expansion, barriers should be tentatively lifted that allow an overall easier time of engaging into where the ‘meat’ of the game is, read: Prog raids, PvP and high keys in M+.
I spent all day yesterday farming spare parts for the 20 crates you need for purification protocol, and then to use it on other characters I’d have to get 500 of the new resource as well. just seems too many hoops at this point. today was all day farming for progression sprockets, two more days for lucid dreams, haven’t even started on worldvein rank 3 and probably won’t ever get the eternal palace one. make rank 3 1000 if you have no other ranks, 750 if you have rank 1, and 500 if you have rank 2.
I realize your a green which means you gotta defend Blizz but nah fam.
I actively tell my friends who inquire about WoW right now “don’t bother the grinds are pure unfun cancer” why? Cause they are exactly that…
I just can’t wait for BfA to be over.
Yep. I only defend Blizzard. I’ve never had a critical thing to say about anything they do. I am just a mindless green shill.
Man, out of every MVP you could have pulled this card on, you really dropped the ball with trying to pull that shtick on me. I have been critical on Blizzard on many topics in the past, more than the examples provided. This thread, however. This non-issue is not one of them. In fact, I called this bologna DAY 1 when account wide essences were brought in–
The grind is fine. Heaven forbid people have to actually work towards something in this game.
If you want instant gratification then perhaps Garry’s Mod or Minecraft Creative Mode are more your speed. This is an RPG, earn your power. The grind is not that bad, certainly not the absurd 6 months projection TC wanted to try and sell it as.
I know several people who, before the Account Wide Essence feature, had ground out essences on a dozen alts because they are FotM players. Sure as heck did not take them as long as people want to say it takes.
Is it the most entertaining of content in the world? Nah. But just like gearing you need to earn your power and the grind as it stands is fine.
slow clap Two of those I will give you credit for the other is extremely milktoast.
I have geared out two toons before they did the account wide and I am glad some people enjoy doing the same mindless garbage over and over again but that obviously a minority. Which is also why it would appear Blizz is getting rid of said garbage in SLs. So sure keep defending it but unless something drastically changes Blizz has even admitted its garbage and are not putting stuff like it back into the game.
The one thing that is semi similar are Covenants and then admit they dont really know how they are gonna make it work cause its pretty much a bad system. Locking massive player power behind locked in covenant grinds is just bad design. Just like locking massive player power behind boring rep grinds.
And they don’t have to. I could easily do a key or raid with any essences the forums chose for me to use. I wouldn’t be doing a 20 or prog on nzoth mythic but aotc and a weekly 15 is no problem at all and those harder tasks are not designed for someone who has just come back
I could comfortably get a character from fresh 120 to doing my fair share of work in a aotc kill and timing 15s in 2-3 weeks. There is no problem with that.
Vitality conduit is absolutely crucial for PvP. If you’re lucky to get into a heroic pug without aotc it’s still going to take 3 weeks. Getting it through lfr will take you months upon months.
It’s literally not.