Rank3 essences should be baseline now

Not sure how you found anything. Rank 3 has a vers proc. It’s 5% at neck level 85. It’s not up 100% or the time. It’s a 2% DPS increase.

Comparatively? I mean it in the sense that r2’s gains are negligible compared to r3.
r2 just doesn’t give much of an increase, honestly. It’s rather small.

…are you under the impression that people run memory for the 5% versatility proc and not for the resource refunding proc?

I’m not sure what would give you that impression.
I’m talking strictly from a numbers standpoint and comparing them within each other. And as a Major, not a minor.

The leech is pretty good for healing in raid yeah. That’s one of the few ones where rank 3 is significantly ahead of rank two, and only for healers.

You might have a pretty hard time finding anyone willing to carry you if you didn’t bother with essences and your cloak (seeing without the cloak you are dead weight in two fights). I guess you could always just buy a carry.

Yeah, I probably should have specified what I was talking about from the beginning :sweat_smile:
I mostly play my Arms warrior these days, and the power disparity between r2/r3 Major Lucid is a bit nutty. I thought it’d be relatively similar for other classes, but I suppose not.

because they do it all the time in other expansions, re: wakening essence.

Fully agree OP. As someone who has done the grind for almost all of those essences (including CnS and BotE), I can recognize that their acquisition was badly designed and would not wish that on any new player.

A good middle ground would be to just let new players buy the r3 essences with the new currency, but at a higher price.

I think they also need to go one step further and cap cloak corruption earlier, as well as making more of it BoA. I have 3 characters with max cloaks who can all do 5 mask runs and visions are absolutely the worst part of my week. To the point that I’m considering dropping all of my current alts and not leveling any more, because of the need to run so many of them.

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Going to clear a few things up.

I left BFA after Uldir release (After grinding for a month to be the highest ilvl resto druid on my server).

The game was boring, and felt like a chore instead of pasttime fun.

I came back for 8.3 and leveled an Ele shaman which is currently sitting at 463 ilvl and a Brewmaster at 460 ilvl.

On a weekly basis i have to:

  1. Do island expeditions on both characters
  2. Do assaults on every character
  3. Visions Weekly (mask or no mask)
  4. Two split raids with both characters
  5. Grind seperate essences on each character
  6. Nazjatar/Uldum/Vale dailys on both characters
  7. Mythic+ on both characters (Ending in 10-15 keys for the week)
  8. Run old content for mounts that i still don’t have
  9. Run battlegrounds for Conquest Cap.
  10. Transmog Farm weekly raids.
  11. Goldfarm to keep up with Raid repairs/flasks/potions

There are plenty more things that have to be done weekly, And half of it is currently REQUIRED to do endgame content.

This, Ontop of a work scedule that pushes me back into the “Casual” player catagory makes the game almost unbearable.

The only entertainment and enjoyment i get out of the game are raid nights, and even then i’ve been dropped from the core raid group and made to run with the casual group because i dont have rank 3 essences.

The game is a complete mess for returning players. Logging in feels like a part time job, not game to have fun on.

No. This is an MMO, not a single player game.

Blizz has given you the ability to purchase rank 3 essences for your alts if you earned them already. They even lowered the requirements to some of them so that they would be easier to get, which players before never got. Returning players can now earn them on their main the same way everyone else did. Play the game. You don’t get to skip an entire expansion and then pop in at the end on the same level as everyone else. That’s not how MMOs work.


Sounds like you are trying to do too much for how much you want /can play. Why are you trying to have 2 mains and run splits if you don’t have time to? That’s not the games fault.


I’m not sure why people say this lol.

Back during WotLK, when the game was at its absolute most popular - If you took a break from Naxx to WotLK, you could literally grind a full set of T9 gear through RDF and pick up 232 off pieces from the 3 ICC heroics. You’d literally be ready to raid ICC in like 4 days.

What gives now? Time played metrics, that’s what.

So you are saying it wouldn’t be possible for me to get a parked character ready for raiding in a few days of grinding? I wouldn’t have bis but I would be 100% viable and I doubt that wotlk set was bis either.

I’d love to have a chat with the guy who decided locking a BiS healer essence behind weeks of farming EP was a good idea. Did they forget that it wasn’t the last tier of the expansion? Same for memory of lucid dreams - the intern who came up with that one should be sacked.

I hate rep grinds, but I hate the utterly pointless timegates even more. If you’re going to try and wring every minute out of your playerbase, can you at least try and be subtle about it?

EP essences are not just BiS for healers IIRC. It’s also BiS for tanks and a large number of DPS specs. That has to be one of the worst design decisions i’ve seen from Blizz in recent memory.

It would absolutely depend on class and spec at this point.

Shadow Priest? You need 3x Chrous of Insanity and Lucid Dreams R3 which is AT LEAST a 3 week grind.

Balance Druid? Again, 3x Streaking Stars on Azerite Gear.

The gear might not have been bis in WotLK, but it got you where you needed to be and you were able to perform in said gear.

What I would like to see for the remainder of 8.3 is essentially Titan Residuum deleted, and allowing Azerite Gear to drop from Mythic 2 or higher, allowing it to be farmed instead of hoping for it in a weekly chest. Maybe a bigger reduction too on Essences, Nazjatar and Mechagon are far too horribly designed for the grind to be fun.

Obviously they would help buy doing a 15 and contributing a fair amount or raiding heroic and early mythic does not require them. They could be done with any essences if you play ok.

I’m not saying gearing is great atm because it isn’t but people don’t “need” those things to be fine at end game.

We just entered May, good luck getting it in April 2020 when it is now May 2020.

I think you meant to say a 2021 release until you got corrected?

I think it takes a solid 1-2 months to get rank R3 essences… considering we may have 6 months or so left on BFA, hard to say could be longer, you’ll be fine.