Ranger General Sylvanas pt2

What if, there isn’t a soul split version of Sylvanas, but like Anduin originally said, her better half is simply being suppressed and it occasionally rears its head, making Sylvanas question her actions at times or what she’s doing? (If that makes sense) :wolf:

I’ve only said this like 1k times!

There is a war over the soul and the good parts of 99.9% of undead are losing horribly…

I really went into overdrive when lorewalker cho said this during the Family Tree questline “How fascinating. I thought you looked sickly - but now I see the truth. Your people suffer under the weight of a terrible darkness.” Mind you this could have absolutely nothing to do with a fight for the soul. I was a big advocate of the Pandaren’s balance/inner peace/harmony teaching and an even bigger advocate for the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow’s balance teachings. I think it would have been a nice addition to the Forsaken storyline.

I feel like cdev have at least 3-4 options to explain away the undead.

  1. soul split(frostmourne)
  2. imperfectly attached soul(necromancy)
  3. dark ritual(only seen in Sylvanas profile)

There is so much to unpackage here and I want to unpack it all at the same time lol.

I like the suppressed explanation more than the split. I feel that the story would be so much better knowing that there’s a part of the undead deep down that’s thinking screw it, kill’em all. I don’t want the undead to become 100% whole and and say “what happened” I want them to know and feel everything that happened while they were suppressed.

What I’m talking about is more akin to a cure storyline; which I’ve advocated for a very long time. Are you familiar with marvel’s mutant gene cure storyline? Basically I’ve always fanaticized that it would be a storyline where the undead and player factions comes to grip with the entire scenario. I highly doubt that’s where cdev is going with the Sylvanas “set us all free” storyline but it would be intriguing nonetheless. More to you point, I’ve always viewed the Forsaken/undead as a mixture of their true selves/souls mixed(buffered/supressed) with dark magic.

This is evident to me by the fact that 99.9% of undead remember who and what they were in life; its the shadow side, caused by dark magic, that says screw that, kill’em all.



So should Sylvanas be redeemed, Arthas will be too.
They are in the same boat now. :woman_shrugging:

I love you guys, and I hate to rain on parades, but they are not the in the same boat.

Arthas was declared evil before he picked up Frostmourne; Sylvanas was a hero before she had her soul twisted.

Q: Can you please explain how “light” works? The lore states that undead are physically incapable of using the light, much like the Broken, but then we have Forsaken players casting healing spells, and Sir Zeliek in Naxxramas using pseudo-paladin abilities.

A Without spoiling too much, we can tell you that wielding the Light is a matter of having willpower or faith in one’s own ability to do it. That’s why there are evil paladins (for example, the Scarlet Crusade and Arthas before he took up Frostmourne. - ASK Cdev Round 1

I didn’t say that to say that he should or could be redeemed. I said that to say they are not in the same boat.


Nah I say they are in the same boat cos if Sylvanas could be redeemed because she just followed the voice in her head, Arthas fans will argue the same thing.

But personally I think neither can be redeemed at all, so.

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The fact they lumped Paladin Arthas as an evil Paladin is the most ridiculous thing I have just read, like no seriously that’s the worst.

Lacks a complete understanding of the nuance that was his story, which was a tragic fall of hero to villain.

I’ve always viewed the Forsaken as their trues selves revealed by dark magic. A “cure” would basically put them on foot with the worgen being “humans with a curse”. Look at the Worgen stories… That is what you want?


Are we comparing which of the bottom of the barrel scraping stories is better?

Okay next one:

raw sewage vs stagnant swamp water vs chemical waste run off

I’m going with swamp > sewage > chemical

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Oh, no not at all.

What I want is an intriguing story. I know a legit cure would be the end of the playable race as we know it. I’ve always compared it to the mutant gene cure in Marvel, which was unknowingly, only a temporary cure. One of the the best things was seeing who would prefer to remain mutants vrs those who took the cure. In short I would like the depth of the storyline. Not a permanent cure; eventually anyone who chose the cure would be reverted back to undead.

At this point I’m purely talking about a wish list that has nothing to do with soul splitting.

We’re still learning what that even means.


This is unrelated but considering you and I’s forum history and both of our hiatuses I was wonder what your thoughts are on the fact that Alliance-side Battle for Stromgarde uses the Warcraft 3 Lordaeron theme as its primary motif:

Specifically, the musical reference being the first 45 seconds of this:

It blew my mind (in a good way) when I first realized the connection myself


You’ve always been heavily into the music. Me on the other hand, if its not Invincible or Lament, I’m like “where did I hear this”/“where is this from”

It seems like someone at Blizzard still enjoys the Alliance-Lordaeron connection. BfA, is so left field that I stop trying to figure it out. Like what’s really going on in these Warfronts? Having the orcs plop a substantial base in Arathi instead of the Forsaken was the last straw for me. Like “let me have me hotel a Boardwalk” PLOP derp face…

I would be more interested in any tie in the Alliance had during the Battle of Lordaeron. I swear we’ve been talking about that battle back when Sylvanas was a Night Elf. You know I just find Stormwind leading the charge so meh. It was kind of a let down. Mind you I do understand the Stormwind-Lordaeron connection, idk Stormwind is just lame to me.

I’m still of the mind that there should be a small-med size faction of Lordaerian* within Stormwind that advocates their return to Lordaeron in a non Garithos kind of way. I think it would be a breath of fresh air that could lead to some decent story telling.


Honestly over the past while it’s become clearer to me that Stormwind essentially is a Lordaeronian faction given the timeline and the thoroughness with which Stormwind was destroyed in the First War. Chronicles, Exploring Azeroth, and BfA did a lot to supplement this along with stuff we saw in Vanilla and WotLK.

Virtually everything that we identify with “Stormwind” nowadays isn’t actually stuff that originated in Stormwind. Church of the Holy Light, Paladins, Mages, etc are all Lordaeron/Dalaran stuff. Stormwind stuff, like Conjurers and Clerics, are basically extinct and died with the kingdom in Warcraft 1.

We learn in Chronicles that the bulk of the survivors of the First War opted to stay in Lordaeron after the Second. We also know that the reconstruction of Stormwind was done pretty much entirely at Lordaeron’s behest, with it being of special interest to Terenas in particular.

We look at Stormwind today and we can see that it was constructed with Lordaeronian architecture, in the style of Stratholme specifically (in contrast with some of the only surviving Stormwindian architecture in-game, Lower Karazhan) and that literally every major monument in the city aside from stuff for Varian is of people from either the Kingdom of Lordaeron or the Lordaeron subcontinent.

And even Varian’s memorial has Lordaeron references in it. They even recovered Terenas’ crown and erected a small, more humble memorial for it at the Lighthouse (probably intentionally somber given the nature of his death)

So if you’re a big Lordaeron fan, Stormwind will probably become more interesting when you remember that “Stormwind” as it existed before the First War is pretty much extinct, and what we refer to as “Stormwind” now is essentially a Lordaeronian colony.


To add onto the musical evidence, we heard it even as early as MoP. Compare:

and (from 15 seconds in):


Someone probably already brought this up but I’m not reading through 113 posts. So just gonna throw it out there that there is already a datamined model of a “living” Sylvanas that still has the eye scar from Suicidefang.

So a fully redeemed Sylvanas is probably the plan moving forward. :face_vomiting:

That was an April Fools joke

How is it that every addition to Sylvanas’s story makes it— and by extension shadowlands— less palatable?

At this point I have to wonder if they’re doing this on purpose.


It’s definitely not by accident. Everyone knew that blizz was never going to let anything bad happen to their precious waifu that is sylvanas.

Blizz is really that out of touch with it’s playerbase and what we find interesting :wolf:


This is morbidly fascinating. Isn’t it interesting to think there may be college students poring over Blizzard’s choices in the future?

Interesting indeed. Wonder if they’ll notice the same things that we notice about some of blizz questionable writing choices. :wolf:

Long after this game is dead they’ll have objectivity from detachment, so I wonder what they’ll make of it.

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