Ranger General Sylvanas pt2

Anyway I have low faith in blizzard, I expect them to use jaina to gigamurder Garrosh in Shadowlands.

Don’t bring up WoD, that story ruined allot of orcish lore.

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But that’s the point, the Story has gotten really bad since WoD.

They only got away with it in Legion because it was an expansion about pre established lore, yet it still had many bad aspects in terms of writing, especially with Tyrande and Malfurion or the Nightborne.

Tbh wod lore is 50 times better than BFA and SL lore.

Plus we got less lore, so just that means its better, BFA and SL is a slog.

hell I would say the same goes for the expansions


I only put BFA above SL because it had a patch about the war but beyond that it was garbage.

Really want a faction war expansion again.

I don’t think that how its going down.

We’re basically helping her by making her soul whole again.

I’m ready to have the conversation about who is to blame. You certainly can’t kill magic aka the magic that split souls or partially attach souls to bodies etc etc.

I dislike WoD cause the story it portrayed was essentially “Orcs are monsters, even without demonic influence.” Very different then what we had been told previously, about how they had been tricked and shifted from their shamanistic roots.


I’ll go for WoD > SL > BfA because BfA took away almost everything from the Night Elves, and SL only destroyed what was left (their souls, Elune and the Night Warrior, but the Night Warrior was also shown as weak in BfA)

I only ranked BFA higher because I had at least some motivation to do mount runs. 9.0 was good though.

I’m not sure how this would really work well (not that that would stop Blizzard). Doing that is basically purging Sylvanas of everything that made her horde ever since WoW started, and then some. Kinda gives me Calia-like vibes, in a way.

It also comes with the additional barb that Leftovers Sylvanas would be “starting over” without any of the previous horde war stuff while the horde itself can’t get that luxury. I’m not sure why she wouldn’t just take the same stance Alleria did and jump ship to be with her sisters.


Im excited. Sylvanas is the only character now that brings me any comfort with this game these days. So anything involving her is welcomed. I love the fact I can just twiddle my thumbs and not lift a finger to fight her in the questline. And the worst that will happen is the Winter Queen (don’t like her anyway) will give me the stink eye lol.

At first I always though Uther was a special case, but I’m intrigued soul splitting affects all killed by frostmourne. This does open some doors for characters killed by Athras, however this gives me a lot of mixed feelings if they go down this road with Sylvanas.

But sadly BfA has conditioned me to have all out of F***s to give. So I’ll take what I can get.


BFA conditioned us all to have that mindset, and I’m not even a Syl fan.


I think at the end of the day, Sylvanas is gonna end up in Maldraxxus still. Possible she gets judged by the Arbitor or the Primus recruits her cuz he see her potential.

I also think Zoval is gonna take credit for not only her actions, but Arthas’s too. Hell maybe even Ner’Zhul’s too. It will be Blizzards way to simultaneously make us all focus our hate on him, give a reason for Sylvanas to work with us. But most importantly bring back Arthas. I feel like they’re leading up to Arthas return in this story, possibly 9.2.

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I’d be fine with the Arthas bit, I’ll even let the Syl fans have this lol. But Ner’zhul has many reasons before hand that led him to become what he was, he is a tragic orc.

Technically all 3 of these characters are tragic.

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Ranger General Sylvanas died for Quel’Thalas. I do not see her returning to the Forsaken, no. Since returning doesn’t even apply, as Ranger General Sylvanas was never part of the Forsaken. But to the Blood Elves, yes. Which would have her standing with the Horde, who took Quel’Thalas in when it was in need.

As I said earlier, the Horde will probably get a “do over” because all players will be saving Tyrande now, regardless of covenant or faction.

On the other hand, that Sylvanas died hating the undead as they overran Quel’thalas, and hating the Horde (especially orcs and trolls) as any Alliance champion at that time still would.

So to join the Horde she’d kind of have to just not give a damn about all those dead Windrunners whose fates at the hands of the orcs caused Alleria and Vereesa to hate them. She’d have to straight-up be the one uncaring Windrunner sister who just ignores the murder of most of their family for the sake of…what? Just letting the Horde have a shiny new Sylvanas?

It’d be a heck of a stretch for a “good Sylvanas” who’d still love her sisters as she did before dying to join the faction of the people who killed a bunch of her family members in the Second War, and could readily expect her to kill the rest - including her siblings and nephews - for strategic or political reasons whenever faction conflict flares up again.

It would amount to signing up to potentially finish the eradication of her own family line the next time there’s a faction war. Which one can potentially reconcile with Banshee Queen Sylvanas, but wouldn’t really add up for a restored Ranger-General Sylvanas.


So you admit that what Sylvanas or Arthas have done weren’t from their own free will
and they were just puppets of Jailer for more than 15 years right
That is the only logic that (maybe) can bring all focus onto him

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At this point this is the only way I can reconcile this, cause it still keeps Arthas closer to his WC3 incarnation. A man who was manipulated by powers beyond his comprehension, and makes the whole “He lost his soul to frostmourne” a thing oncemore instead of what they’ve been doing currently.

On the other hand, it provided a ton of context as to why they’re so violent.

It does, I’m coming around to this now.

Arthas losing his Soul doesn’t mean the Jailer has complete control though considering how the Bad Memories extracted by Kyrian have their own agenda when separated from Souls and act very much like Death Knight Arthas(taunting, gloating, mocking and being evil in general).

I have even seen extracted Memories outright murder the Kyrian they originate from twice so Death Knight Arthas(controlled by Arthas’s Bad Memories) backstabbing the chunk of Arthas’s Soul still in the Body and shoving it into Frostmourne in the Arthas Novel is not surprising!

Separating Bad Memories from the Body is not a good thing and creates beings like Death Knight Arthas!

Separating the Bad Half of a Soul is not good either as there is still a chance the Bad Half jumps off the deep end themselves(as shown by Sylvanas and Uther) even if not as readily as Bad Memories do!

As for how much control the Jailer had over Arthas’s Body:

Most of the time it was probably controlled by Arthas’s Bad Memories with short periods of control by the Jailer(who was just getting used to Domination Magic) with one time being while Arthas dumped Terenas’s Ashes out of the Urn causing him to go into a coughing fit until randomly stopping(very similar to how the Jailer abruptly took control of Anduin).

As for Ner’zhul: the Jailer probably had small moments of control for him too not that Ner’zhul noticed considering how easy it is to dupe him.

Considering how Lich King Arthas easily played on Ner’zhul’s guilt in Chronicle Vol.3 I dare say the most vile acts of Naxxramas seen by Kel’Thuzad were by the Jailer with Ner’zhul being momentarily confused then brushing it off as such things simply getting easier for him!