Ranger General Sylvanas pt2

Not sure i entirely agree with that, considering this thread was started by an OP that was very positive about this development.

Have you considered that they are just catering to a few select parts of the fandom, and they just haven’t gotten around to doing something you’re enthusiastic about yet?

After all, you can’t always please everyone, and that goes doubly for WoW fans.


I mean true, but after 10+ yrs of neglect, I doubt blizz is going to do anything remotely fun with the worgen :wolf:


I don’t know why Worgen players didn’t push back more on Genn being turned into an Anduin lapdog. I suppose Teldrassil and people complaining about Sylvanas has sucked all of the oxygen out of the room for the last few years. Like, the idea of Genn presented in the Horde version of the Dazar’alor raid, while over the top, is far more interesting than just another boring peacemonger in a sea of peacemongers.

Genn had a lot of potential as a gray character and it’s like…Blizzard just nuked it in Before the Storm in exchange for…nothing?


Which is why she would be best be served aiding in ending the faction war, since she wouldn’t want to see her sisters killing the people of Quel’Thalas any more than she would want to see the Horde kill more of her family, even if that meant forgiving the Horde’s past.

This got me thinking lately as I crossed through Maldraxxus. The people of Maldraxxus don’t seem to have negative personality affects despite inhabiting undead bodies, unlike the Scourge and Val’kyr afflicted undead on Azeroth affected by the magic from the Maw.

Some people have thrown around an idea that Maldraxxus is some perfected form of necromancy that is better than anything that has ever been practiced on Azeroth. But I wonder if it has more to do with that Azeroth is in the mortal planes.

In the mortal planes we’ve been told that souls are supposed to be affixed to a body by life energy, and that a soul brought back and bound to a body by death energy can have the adverse affects we’ve seen on the undead on Azeroth.

But Maldraxxus isn’t in the mortal planes. It’s in the Shadowlands. The soldiers of Maldraxxus aren’t living souls meant to be bound to bodies by life energy. They’re souls passed on bound to bodies by death magic. Which sounds perfectly reasonable within the realms of death.

Which makes me further curious. We see Forsaken souls in Bastion, so we know undeath doesn’t just get cured by death in all cases. And incidentally Sylvanas has not stayed passed on since her aligning with the Val’kyr, still always having had her soul pulled out of death.

I’m wondering if undead who are brought back to the mortal planes by death magic might actually have the negative affects of that alleviated when they die again and end up in the Shadowlands, even if their souls are still reflective of their undead experiences.

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I feel like this “soul splitting” and “good & evil Sylvanas” is a very lazy attempt to fix their narrative mess in BFA. I’d sooner accept her doing all of that horribly heinous stuff as a result of seeing some cosmic truth or some nonsense like that. (Ideally I’d just take a retcon to BFA but they won’t.)

It also cheapens her entire background. The pragmatic angle (for both her and the Forsaken at large, really) sort of vanishes and ceases to be “hard choices made for survival” and more “haha I did it because I’m evil xd”.


Haha Sylvanas Merch make money machine go brrrrrrrrr


Yeah. Like, I’m a diehard Loyalist. I like Sylvanas, and neither the writers nor any player opinions are gonna sway me from liking her just the way she is. (I did hate Teldrassil and what’s been done to her character lately, but dammit I just can’t stop holding out hope I might see a sliver of her former self.)

Anyway, as a Sylvanas Fan™ I hate the idea of her reverting back to her Ranger General self and turning out to be secretly good this whole time/evil against her will this whole time.

I don’t want it to turn out she was mind-controlled, or tricked. I know she’s evil, and more importantly, I want her to know she’s evil. I like her precisely because, ever since being freed from Arthas’s control, everything she has ever done has been entirely of her own will. Every decision, no matter how unpopular, cruel, or mistaken has been hers to make.

It’s so important to me for her character to emphasize that. Erasing her own free will in that way would be far more insulting than simply killing her ever could be. It would be the final slap in the face for her fans, and the new character standing in her place would be more reviled than Calia, Baine, or anyone else. Sylvanas fans would hate her for being a symbol of the complete destruction of her character, and Sylvanas haters would hate her for obvious reasons.

This would appeal to absolutely no one…which makes me terrified Blizzard might actually try it. Oh Metzen help me.


When it’s time for the Banshee Queen to meet her true death she will go out as a G, she’s a legend and nothing will change that, PERIOTTT! I said that to say, there is no way in WoW Hell that Ranger General “clean death” Sylvanas will go screeching down into oblivion with the Banshee Queen. I use “screeching down” loosely; it’s actually a purge of dark magic more than an exorcism with multiple souls/entities involved so no one will go screeching into oblivion. The Curse will simply fade away.

She is not. I just don’t see MC or being tricked as an option.

I don’t think they are erasing her free will, I just don’t see it. I think they are actually delving more into how did Ranger General “clean death” Sylvanas go from saving women and children to all of a sudden melting them.

I mean it could be the hunter becoming the hunted trope, but with the twisting of Sylvanas soul I’ve never seen it that way.

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I honestly think her ranger general part of her soul will reunite with her, forming the full Sylvanas.
Would not surprise me if we kill her so to speak and fix the whole deal with souls funneled into the maw, but since she’s undead, her soul would just leave her “mortal” body and head to her correct place in the shadowlands. Some argue that would be the Maw, but according to Danuser undeath simply puts a pause on what the soul was doing in shadowlands before being dragged back into the living world. And we actually have a description of what place she ended up in at her first death, before she was dragged into undeath by Arthas, or suspiciously sent to the maw to meet the Jailer and the Val’kyr at the end of ICC.

The place was described to be a pleasant and nice place, with golden fields. Sounds like a place we know?
Bastion Sylvanas incoming.

I’m not sure if I buy into the whole split soul idea.

In Edge of Night it says that her soul was whole in the Maw, and when she was brought back she became a lot more emotional, ie; wanting to reconnect with her sisters. Fighting the Scourge in the Plaugelands to recover her lover, Nathanos.

None of her ‘emotional’ actions post EoN makes sense if it was just her “bad soul half” at the wheel.

What makes Sylvanas interesting is the fact that she has these two personalities, The Ranger-General and the Banshee Queen. She is both sides, watching her journey to try and balance both of these sides since EoN, has been interesting.


I think it’s a little strange to say ‘bad half’ so to speak: if her goodness was taken out of her, what’s left is the same person, she just becomes what she would be if she had no morality.

Like in Supernatural, Sam doesn’t become ‘evil Sam’ when he loses his soul, that’s just the same Sam, but he has no moral compass anymore. So if Sylvanas regains her good side, she still has all the same memories, she’s just… better. Which is to say: Good Sylvanas isn’t a separate entity, it could just be her amorphous ‘goodness.’


Your entire assumption hinges on the idea that she has no moral compass, but she proves time and time again that even post EoN, she does have a moral compass, she may ignore it though.

She knows right from wrong. She’s not amoral, where she doesn’t understand the difference between right and wrong.

Part of me as a Sylvanas fan, does want to believe in her innate “goodness” and while I do think she had a flawless moral compass in life, I do think she was pragmatic and even cold when she was alive, so her simply having those negative emptions ‘heightened’ as explained in the condition of undeath doesn’t make her any less herself, undeath just amplified her negative qualities. She still has the same core values though, which can be seen when her ‘humanity’ is put into perspective.

For example, Sylvanas was “defender of her people” in life who wouldn’t use backhanded tactics even if it results in a loss or retreat. In undeath she’s still the defender of her people, but she will use backhanded tactics to insure victory. There’s a disconnect between the two personalities, sure, but there’s still a core there.

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I suppose you haven’t read the caring crazy psychotic loving rendition of Sylvanas.

See her inner thoughts about undeath and the Forsaken in Before the Storm.

Oh, and crazy loving auntie sister rendition in Warcrimes

I think this is getting a little too attached to the baggage of those specific words like ‘morality’ and ‘compass,’ since I think my point still stands in concept if you just replace those words with something more general and fitting like ‘(desire to do good for selfless reasons)-ness’ and say that that’s the part that Frostmourne took.

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it’s possible.

Oh I have.

Golden’s Sylvanas is quite a trip. I’m worried about the new book coming out.

oh I have.

Golden’s Sylvanas is like riding Mr. Toads wild ride.