Ranger General Sylvanas pt2

I agree. That’s why I liken it more to comic books than novels. It’s supposed to be a guilty pleasure. I do not believe Warcraft is or has ever been or has ever tried to be high brow fiction. I think Chris Metzen would agree wholeheartedly.

And in my wish fulfillment pulp fantasy… to steal from Saurfang… “What I Want…is my Sylvanas back!!!”



Though Ranger General Sylvanas was likely a narcissistic brat, everyone has flaws, and the primary aspect of her person was her care for Quel’Thalas, as, after all, she was most likely slated to end up in Bastion because of her dedication to service. Yes, she had a fondness for Humans, as seen from Nathanos Marris and her keeping ties with Stormwind despite Quel’Thalas cutting bonds with the Alliance. But if Ranger General Sylvanas did come back to life her attention would likely be on the Blood Elves and their revitalization under the reigned Sunwell. To which I said earlier, Ranger General Sylvanas would likely be more successful in bridging Quel’Thalas and the Horde to the Alliance than Alleria had been.

Alleria wasn’t interested in bridging the gap between Blood Elves and the Horde though, so I’m sure she would.

No, not the Blood Elves and the Horde. The Blood Elves and the Alliance. The Horde are just inseparable from the Blood Elves at this point, so Ranger General Sylvanas would act as a better bridge between the Horde and Alliance by the proxy of Quel’Thalas than Alleria ever had the chance to be.

Yeah yeah you get the good Sylvanas who has had nothing to do with over 15 yeas of wow lore.

Just let us kill the other half.

I don’t think the splited soul nonsense is a very smart move from the ‘writing’ perspective,

But maybe it can be a smart move from ‘entrepreneur’ perspective.
I mean it is the way that both sides can be kinda happy right

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This lore about syl isn’t too important to me, but I find this constant retcons of frostmourne to be distasteful to me and my DK sensibilities.

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This is actually part of my point with Ranger General Sylvanas. The last time Ranger General Sylvanas was brought up in Legion was during Robert Brooks’ A Thousand Years of War - Part Two:

    Alleria knew it would be a long wait for Turalyon to return. She closed her eyes. She let her mind roam, seeking the same thing she always sought. Today, she was rewarded.

    Images filled her mind. Not a vision—no, this was not a glimpse of what had happened or what might happen. This was happening right now. She was sure of it.

    Alleria gazed upon a city, half-built, the rubble of wars past not entirely cleared away.

    Stormwind. It had to be Stormwind. The humans had begun to rebuild it. It was a bright, sunny day, and the path to the city walls was filled with throngs of people, soldiers and civilians and nobility. Standing before them was a number of dignitaries. She saw banners from Stormwind, Lordaeron… and Quel’Thalas. In front of that banner was her sister Sylvanas.

    Alleria’s heart soared. Most of the Windrunner lineage had died when the Horde invaded. Sylvanas was one of the few who hadn’t. She still bore the insignia of a leader. Ranger-General of Silvermoon. Pride beat in Alleria’s soul like a drum.

    Outside the walls of Stormwind, rows of statues had been erected. She recognized all of their likenesses. There was Kurdran Wildhammer. Danath Trollbane. Archmage Khadgar.

    And there was Turalyon. Right next to him was a statue of Alleria.

    The Alliance must have believed that all who had remained on Draenor were dead. Alleria knew many of the expedition’s members had survived. She had seen it through the Light… but they must not have found a way back to Azeroth yet.

This, however, was after the Second War and after Quel’Thalas had left the Alliance. As such, I posit that this would very much be part of Ranger General Sylvanas personality of doing whatever she wanted and going against the royal will of Quel’Thalas to stand with the Humans still, just like Alleria before her. After all, Ranger General Sylvanas was also there to honor Alleria.

Apparently there are some people who’s not happy with splited soul theory.
Kinda big part of current fandom cos they are ones who loved Arthas lore

Well… I think I’m kinda done here. Doesn’t change anything and they don’t listen anyway

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I do dislike it, and it is because of my love of Arthas, frostmourne and the lich king. To me it depowers an iconic artifact that makes things way more confusing now, like why does Uther have 4-5 soul fragments all over the place? I can generally let story details slide, but this? This is something I dislike because I consider myself a DK player over any faction, but hey what can I do? Not a thing lol


That’s what Blizz would like. To have their cake and eat it too. They wrote themselves into a corner with Sylvanas.

Either they commit or cop out.

I see some interesting potential in that.

Lets say we eliminate the Evil Shade of the worst of Sylvanas’s soul, and then we free the sliver of the heroic Sylvanas that was taken by Frostmourne. What then?

Does she remain a spirit in the Shadowlands? Does she get judged and sent to a realm? Maybe she will start a new covenant, or help establish order after we leave for the next Expac.

But she has made a lot of people angry. Would Saurfang’s followers, or the Gilneans, or the Night Elves, be satisfied with any Sylvanas existing anywhere? If they hear there is some “Good Sylvanas” , whether on Azeroth or in the Shadowlands, I don’t know how they will deal with that. They might want to kill it, anyway.

But even those outside pressures aside, I think it could lead to some introspection on her part. Learning what she was made to do, what she is capable of, might cause the “Good Sylvanas” to lock herself away after we free her. As ​penance, but also for fear of what she is capable of. That could be a way to put her out of the story for all those who are tired of her, and keep her around for future development, as well.

Replacing the current Sylvanas should realistically make her disgusted by the Horde and her loyalists for blindly following her bad side, commiting the same crimes that Arthas did to her.

I don’t know why people want that, the only fair outcome would be that we kill her bad side and then free her good side and she can go to her proper afterlife while her bad side gets stuck in the maw or something.

People who think that ranger general Sylvanas would want to have anything to do with the Horde after seeing what they did with her bad side are just being unreasonable, but it obviously doesn’t stop Blizzard from doing it since their story is not even consistent accross a single patch anymore.


To be fair, Ranger General Sylvanas does not necessarily have to come back to life. She could move on to Bastion like Uther does after we get his soul fragment back, given the description of where she was supposed to go.

I’d be fine with that as long as her bad side is brought to justice.

Also, that would still have the entire Horde blindly follow her bad side and doesn’t it absolve them.

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Likely Blizzard’s take on “absolving” the Horde is having the Horde help save Tyrande, since everyone, Horde and Alliance, regardless of Covenant choice, will have to do that now.

That doesn’t make the souls of so many innocents less tortured and obliterated in the maw.

Even if Blizzard comes out and say that the Horde is suddenly absolved now, I still wouldn’t buy it considering what happened to the souls. And those are by far not the only crimes the Horde is guilty of.

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It would be less a matter of anyone buying it and more Blizzard forcing the story along.

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That’s true no matter what happens with Sylvanas.

Let us kill both sylvanases or just remove her entirety from the game, her being split up just means we will have to retcon her out of the story twice.

So basically the entire story since Warlords