I have seen you post over and over about how melee survival needs to stay, no matter the cost. Please explain to me how your play-style preference is more important than mine? Your preferred spec is melee survival, before Legion my preferred spec was range survival. Before the melee switch, ranged survival was my favorite spec and the class/spec that I played 95% of the time. How is your $15 more valuable than mine?
Before you start any argument, I want to point out that there are currently 2(ONLY 2) archer play-styles, while there are 18 melee specs (13 melee dps and 5 tank) options already in game, not counting melee survival. How is adding a 14th melee dps class an improvement at the expense of the 3rd(!!!) archer spec?
Now I know that you will not be able to come at this argument from a subjective point of view because to you the melee survival is your favorite (which is why there are so many arguments over it and will elicit an emotional response). What you don’t seem to understand is that for you (and a couple hundred others) to gain your favorite spec several THOUSAND others lost their favorite spec! I do not care what argument you may have with some of the more vocal players in here. Never forget that your preferred play style came at the expense of THOUSANDS of others. This alone should cause Blizzard to reconsider their choices when they compare data from hundreds(melee) to tens of thousands(ranged). Changing your mind ultimately does not matter(and I really don’t care to based off your previous posts where you troll players that are legit sad that they lost their favorite class/spec after years of playing), I’m hoping that eventually Blizzard realizes that they screwed up (doubtful after 4 years, some can’t accept that they made dumb choices) and return my ranged survival spec that I loved for over 6 years.
TLDR; You’re a troll that takes satisfaction off others losing something they loved and continue to argue that “your” spec should stay despite the fact that it is the 2nd lowest represented spec(out of 14 other options and that very few wanted) and well over 10x as many players used to play the same spec as ranged. I also apologize in advance if your reading comprehension/stamina is not capable of sustaining you through 4 paragraphs.