If you look at RSV back then, I would argue that they did not.
Edit. Correction, here’s the actual short version:
That data and those numbers you mentioned, in the current game considering the history, those numbers don’t hold up.
Long version:
They went into the development process of Legion and classes. They started looking at the hunter class and, with the new design philosophy in mind where they had to double down on spec fantasy, they had to look at each spec and think of what they could do with it to make it more distinct from the others.
BM was quite obvious ofc, more focus on pets. Not just your main pet.
MM was the same. More focus on the sniper/sharpshooter fantasy. As well as increased focus on being a “Lone Wolf”. Not being dependent on using a pet. Also not having any way to further rely on pets, either through talents or otherwise.
When they came to RSV, it was probably more that they perhaps did not have such a clear vision for how to develop it. And someone early on in the process, came up with the idea that “hey, let’s give the Hunter class a melee spec”.
And since they are extremely hesitant towards adding in 4th spec options no matter the circumstances, they felt that one spec out of three had to be taken out before. Since MM is literally about being a marksman and a sharpshooter, that made little sense.
BM technically could’ve been an alternative though they felt that it had the strongest core fantasy of embracing what the class was about the most. So they didn’t want to remove it. (Pretty ironic considering current MSV in BfA)
So, what they had left was Survival…
From that moment on, they did not bother with looking into the spec as it was, what it was all about. How it’s current theme/fantasy could be developed as well.
Simply put, they did no longer care about what could be done with it.
Despite the fact that it, like the other 2 specs, could very well have been developed into a completely unique spec with a playstyle heavily focused on enhancing ammunition/arrows as well as traps. Which was the actual theme of the spec already, just that it could be even more so.
Especially the mechanical concept of the spec being the one that focused on DoTs and dealing with multiple targets at once. As this actually made sense.
In this case, yes it is.
Because the devs did not care about what the majority of the players playing this class wanted at the time.
If the majority of the hunters out there wanted melee gameplay over ranged, the class would’ve been extremely unpopular prior to Legion, as it was purely about ranged combat. Which did not happen…
It is true that players originally playing other classes that were melee, or even some new players have come to enjoy the MSV spec. And some prior ranged hunters as well ofc.
But the popularity of current SV, still isn’t anywhere close to how popular RSV was when we had it. So basically, any numbers argument for MSV, does not hold up.
Not entirely sure what you mean by “vocal minority” here.
If you look at class forums and at how they have been developing for the last 4 years(since we lost ranged SV). For most of these years, one of the most/if not the most popular class specific feedback topics of all, is the topic about seeing the return of ranged SV.
By this I mean topics that are about feedback related to specific classes.
Not feedback that is about general systems design or general design changes towards all classes. Ofc you have feedback that is more commonly brought up then.
And speaking of vocal minority…
At the time when they removed ranged SV in favor of MSV, there really wasn’t any feedback from players wanting to see a melee only spec for the class. Or I should say, there probably was some, though it was far from a common topic on various forums etc.
And specifically, there wasn’t any feedback/demands from players that they should turn the Survival spec into a melee spec. That topic, did not exist.
This subjective viewpoint is ofc something you’re free to have. Ofc one spec cannot be perfect for everyone. If you did not like RSV, that’s up to you really.
But my point here is, MANY players did. No one asked for it to be removed.
We currently have no ranged weapon DoT spec in the entire game…
We only have 1 spec in the game that focuses on your ranged weapon much at all…
(No, not counting BM here as it doesn’t actually focus on ranged combat as much as it focuses on pets and beasts in various ways). It’s essentially half a ranged spec.
Pretty ironic considering what they have had to do with current Survival for the past 2 expansions. And considering that it’s nowhere near as popular as ranged SV was in general.
Dev-time well spent indeed…