Randomly sent gold by a stranger

This is a Copy over from a previous thread that I just commented on. Someone was randomly sent a bunch of gold in classic back in 2024.

Original Thread I commented in

I dont know if the sender legit earned it or if it was acquired by nefarious means. Im trying to do the right HONEST thing here and report it. Submitted a ticket like the last in the thread above did guy did

I would not keep the gold, classic or retail. You do not know how the person actually obtained it, and if it was obtained illicitly, it would flag your acccount. I would return it to who ever sent it to you.


I opened the mail and my addon automatically claims items. So Im leaving it on that toon till blizz either in my ticket or here tells me what to do.


You should update your ticket and mention that that is why you collected the gold to your account, and make sure to mention that you did not intend to receive this gold because:


I did and to make it more clear that is now the ONLY gold on that toon.

What is odd is the toon is a level 1 that is “holding a name for me” on that server I recently snagged a name that was freed up for TWW expansion on area52. Before this xpax that name was never available

So I am assuming it was meant for someone else aka the original owner of the toon name. When I try to send it to the sender it says they “dont exist”

I stated I dont know who sent it or why. If they need to remove it please do so!


Was it a small amount of gold? Doesn’t really matter, but it’s possible someone was testing to see if the character was in-use. Unclaimed mail returns to sender in 30 days. If it isn’t returned, user inquiring knows at least it was logged into.

But yeah, hopefully you get a ticket reply soon and it can all get sorted.

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No it was half a million twice.

That’s why this needs to be reported

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I just got a response from blizzard saying that they removed the gold from the character and thanked me for reporting it

One of two things happened.

  1. Someone either bought gold and it was delivered to the wrong person

  2. Someone was transferring a bunch of their gold and send it to the wrong character

Option 1 is most likely the correct scenario considering there’s no reason for option two sent warband banks have come along


There is a third option, but that’s just the cynic in me talking.

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Thank you for sending that in - that is exactly the correct course of action should anyone find themself in this position.


What would be the correct ticket path for this for future reference.

This is such a rare one-off, really isn’t one. Account would work, just about any would work as long as the ticket is clear about the circumstances.


On Moon Guard, it seems to be common for some players to give out presents during Christmas. A player from a guild was doing that in Goldshire; he gave me 10k and a toy. On another day, another player, dressed in a Santa transmog, gave me 100k just because I said his transmog looked cool. Do you think I might be at risk? They were all level 80 characters with good achievements. I don’t think they would risk getting involved with “dirty gold.” What do you guys think? Even in these cases, is it better not to accept?

Bit of a difference there than getting emails from someone you have no idea who it is, Vinipally. If they were unwise enough to ‘buy’ gold from unscrupulous sources to pass out - they’d be the one that received it first, and the one that would suffer the repercussions.