Random Mouse Sensitivity Spikes

Randomly and for seemingly no reason at all my mouse will just go nuts and spin the camera super fast. I have the sensitivity in the settings turned all the way down and my DPI is at 800. I’d say about 75% of the time it works just fine, but then suddenly it’ll just go crazy for a few seconds before going back to normal. Is there a setting I need to change or is this some kinda bug or something?

I’ve seen posts here about it with no responses, and I’ve seen a few people complaining about it in world chat as well so I know I’m not the only one.

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this.


So here’s the deal: Blizzard has been ignoring this, but it’s a bug that a lot of people are experiencing.

There is a fix, with some caveats. /console RawMouseEnable 1 will fix it, but at a cost. If you are playing on multiple monitors, now your mouse will sometimes teleport onto your other monitor. It’s because the mouse moves itself across the screen while invisible sometimes, along with making your character move.

I theorize the initial bug is because this “moving while also mouse moving in game” effect creates a double mouse movement effect. In essence, your view was moving twice as fast as the game took in both the mouse look movement plus the extra mouse movement all at once… if that makes sense.

It seems to happen if you are pressing a keyboard key and then hit right click and move the mouse to move your view. For example, I can move myself left, and then hit right click and move my mouse to the left, and my mouse cursor will end up on my left monitor. (I have 3 and wow in the center monitor.)

A secondary fix is to use the console command and then tell WoW interface options to capture the mouse cursor. This still results in your mouse cursor being at the extreme edge of your monitor sometimes, but that may beat it being on another monitor. YMMV.


You are not alone . I mentioned it in guild tonight expecting no one to know what I was talking about , but quite a few have been experiencing it .

Oh my god I just thought my mouse was broke.


I’ve already reported the bug, but like with a number of hunter bugs, Blizzard is silent.


Yeah a few people I know are getting it also.

yup :mouse2:

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Happens to me a fair bit, especially after blinking. I keep thinking a rogue is using distract on me and about to open.


I thought this was just me too! Mine is also completely random but will always do the same thing: left click to move the camera, it immediately points straight up.

I’ve seen much more of my undead mage’s undercarriage than I care to think about…


Try go to Main menu -> System -> Advance -> uncheck both Max Foreground FPS and Max Background FPS

It works for me.


If any of you are using a Naga, change the polling rate to 125hz. Fixed it for me.


This was driving me nuts for months, and I found the EnableRawMouseInput fix myself by experimenting, then I found others suggesting it.

Here’s what I’d suggest: Get the addon AdvancedInterfaceOptions (yes, no spaces.) This is a small addon that restores a lot of the advanced options that Blizzard culled from the in-game Options menu.

It contains a complete CVAR browser. In the search box type “Mouse”, then double-click the entry for RawInput and change the value to 1. Then experiment with the values for Input rate and DPI to get the mouse to a comfortable level, as by default it’ll be SUPER slow. The higher the DPI rate you enter the slower the mouse will move, FYI.

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Same problem. Happens for me on bfa also

This 100%! I thought I was going crazy!

I’m not sure if this is completely relevant but as a test I’d also check to see if you have “ Enhance pointer precision” turned on in your windows mouse settings. It may be causing issues like it does for FPS games.

`Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse.

On Windows 10 systems you can also go to Settings > Devices > Mouse >Addition mouse options. Click on the “Pointer Options” tab, toggle “Enhance pointer precision” on or off.`

If nothing else, I’m curious to know if it happens regardless if that mouse option is selected or not.


Bah. Sorry for the formatting issues on the post above. I hit submit and it logged me out of the forums and I can’t edit it.

I typed the console command you mentioned and that seemed to have fixed it for me. I have a naga hex and my polling rate is at 500hz, I haven’t changed that to 125hz as someone suggested.

Before RawMouseEnable I’d be doing random 1080s while trying to look slightly left. It’s much better now! I have two monitors and my mouse hasn’t gone off to the other screen while right clicking so yay!

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Mine works fine in BFA,I use it for all of my movement,some of my abilities,I have some disabilities with my left hand that make it hard to use WASD.I have it set so when I pull back on the mouse wheel,I walk backward,great while tanking,push it left or right,I strafe left or right.In Classic,I walk backward in a circle,strafing goes wild,all directions,sometimes it just spins.I thought it was something I was doing!

Oh man this is driving me nuts. It happens randomly, but pressing the arrow keys at the same time increases the sensitivity as well. I’ve tried changing everything within the interface and menu for the mouse settings and the problem remains. Its super annoying to constantly do 180’s all of a sudden because your mouse sensitivity varies so hard

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This worked for me, happened over a few mice and different pc builds and dealt with it for years with no answer. Thank you !