Random Mouse Sensitivity Spikes

Been posted before, try deselecting the “max foreground/background FPS” setting. This usually helps/fixes the problem.


Same problem here.

2 Different computers, 3 different mice. Drastically different system specs. Can really mess you up if it happens all the sudden while your trying to rotate your character to run away or kite with a hunter.

My friend says he doesn’t have the issue, but he’s a keyboard turner and doesn’t count

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I had to disable fps caps in the settings. Now my gpu has coil while.

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Odd. I’m not experiencing any such bugs… but my rig is far above what’s needed for WoW, so maybe it’s connected to a specific aspect of game performance.

I thought I was going crazy with this issue but thought, this can’t be normal and found this post. Your suggestion above has actually worked very well for me for a few hours so far!

Mine is way overspec’d, I can push 150+FPS. Definitely not that.

Well, I may have spoke too soon, it does seem to have reduced the frequency, and extreme nature, but I’m still having the issue.

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OMG thank you so much this help a lot

It worked for me too.

As an update to all - I found disabling a second screen sharing fixed the final oddity I had, now I have no more issues since this!

I had this problem for a few hours after starting to play Classic. Then I went into interface options -> camera -> camera following style -> never and haven’t had the problem since.

Oh thank god im not the only one with this. I’ll have to try some of these fixes tonight

WTH the frame rate cap is causing the mouse jumps?

I suppose I could turn it off and let V-sync cap the frame rate by backflooding.

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This is so annoying. Glad to hear it’s not just my mouse. Sad to hear it’s blizzard and they won’t fix it.

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i am also experiencing this

You are an awesome person. It worked. As someone else stated, I don’t understand why it works, but it does!. Thank you so much for this. (My friends also thank you :P)

I was having this issue quite a bit, and what worked for me was disabling my laptop touch pad when a mouse was detected. YMMV

I lowered my mouse’s polling rate.

500 Hz --> 250 Hz

Sadly, I don’t play video games at a high enough level to notice the difference.

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If your mouse is a Razer product, Blizzard has officially said that it conflicts with a lot of their games.
So if it is, turn off synapse, or uninstall it, and any Razer macros you have set up.
Razer software doesn’t play well with Blizzard games

i have 2 nagas, a new one and the molten. the molten never had this problem. the new naga did.