Random Dungeon Finder

overly catering to casuals has caused more harm to this game than anything else indeed.

How do you “win” at wow?

There is no winning.

While completely failing to understand his playerbase to boot.

My guy, the foundation of WoW was to be a casual Everquest.


No one is buying tokens for GDKP runs. It would be way too much money for a single item.

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Forcing people to do tedious chores does not make the game “hardcore”.
And same goes for the super duper hard Cataclysm heroics. If they’re a chore, once people are done with preraid gear they’ll only do dailies if even that. And they will find ways to make them quick and easy.

People like you said the same about TBC heroics and TBC raids, and when people with both hands and a brain zipped through that you were like “no no, wait for Ulduar”. And after sub-2h all out hm Ulduars we’re at extremely hardcore Cata heroics now.
None of this matters. Players are used to M+ and often retail’s Mythic raids by now, nothing in the old, solved and simpler versions of WoW will be a challenge in any way.

What matters to people nowadays is if their time is being respected. If not, they just won’t bother. Your idiotic notion of a game where you have to be online or you’ll somehow miss out on something due to being forced to do things you have 0 interest in for power is outdated already. Times changed, people don’t have to stay logged in to chat with their friends anymore and in most cases won’t do that because they only want to do 1-3 activities in game and care very little about anything else. The year is 2023, maybe it’s time for oldheads to move on.


the new megadungeon has been the most difficult 5man I’ve ever done, yet my groups - even when unsuccessful - were not showing that they don’t enjoy the challenge. they were learning and trying and making suggestions and adjustments. it was a great experience.

LFR, however… is the opposite.

N’zoth teaches us that when determination hits 10 stacks, you do a few wipes, then people start trying. because nothing comes to rescue them now.

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Can’t be. New, fresh and unsolved content was actually entertaining to do for the first time? What a concept.
Now wait a month or two and see how fun it gets when it’s stale, solved and most people don’t even need anything from there.


Of course players are still buying gold from 3rd party gold sellers. The token does nothing to stop that. The token just lets some players essentially play for free since it’s far more efficient to buy gold from a 3rd party site and pay for your sub by buying a token. Tokens actually increase ‘illegal’ gold buying. Blizz is just getting in on the action.

I only mention GDKPs as a comparison to something they actually care about, since it drives gold buying. RDF means nothing to them. They don’t care about authenticity. They don’t care about making an experience like it was years ago. They don’t care about accessibility. They don’t care about a fun experience. RDF isn’t on their radar because they can’t monetize it.

Their posts about the tool are completely absurd given what they’ve done to Wrath Classic. There is no ‘spirit or Classic’. There are no Pillars. Authenticity means nothing to them. It’s all BS. They’ve butchered this expansion. So people can make threads all they want; Blizz doesn’t care. RDF isn’t in because it’s not a mechanism Blizz can profit from. Why making gearing alts and new players easier when they can ‘encourage’ players just to buy gold and join GDKPs?

This is Classic. This is what they’ve created. Buy your gold. Buy your gear. Their Mythics are a flaming disaster. Just a toxic, gatekeeping mess. Again, they took the most accessible dungeon experience in the game’s history and turned it into the most toxic one. Everyone on this Classic team should be fired. They’ve abandoned the Classic audience and the original principles of the project: authenticity and experiencing the game as it was (or as close to that as possible), just to make a crappier version of Retail.


Hopefully not. I could bathe in the tears from all the crying.

How this thread hasn’t been marked for spam is beyond me.

RDF threads draw the same 4 people who repeat the same thing in every thread.

Such new and enlightening conversation.

nope they won’t add it, not even in Cata classic. They keep doubling down on the garbage tool they made.


Should be fairly obvious, shouldn’t it?

Do keep bringing them up though :wink:


Annnnd here we have one of the four people who just can’t help themselves and flock to RDF threads like a fly to … recycled food.

You do realize everything you say right now just applies to yourself as well right?

Keep the topics hot lad :wink:


Classic, “I know you are but what am I.”

Hit me up when you have something relevant to say, bud.

If you want something creative thrown at you you should start out with something more creative than “durrhurr dis spam, why dis spam”.

Get what you put in here lad.


So instead of RDF youd rather have LFD WTS TO SELL SPAM? Which pushes people to the token… sounds classic to me


you seem to show up in them so there must be a demand.


oddly enough, stale, solved, don’t need anything from there is the definition of classic yet the playerbase yells “fresh nao” endlessly. Casting frostbolt at orange targets is exciting!!

Not having RDF has hurt this games potential in so many ways. From making Alts, Leveling, Hunting for Rare items in lower level dungeons. Not to mention just getting the daily done or progression.

I haven’t done a Dungeon in about a year. I can’t get dungeons done on my Alt. It’s just painful to play without this Wrath feature. RDF made WotLK the best expansion and popularized the game.

Random Dungeon Finder is the best feature ever put into WoW or any game. I really hope they add it. I just don’t get how we have WoW tokens in Classic but not RDF!

If we had RDF I probably never would of quit awhile ago. Then every time I come back I usually quit because we don’t have it. Blizz just doesn’t get it.