Random Dungeon Finder

I said “products”, please read.

And this is the WoW classic forum, so it’s assumed the product you are talking about it you know WoW classic.

I have not seen where they said they wouldn’t add it to classic. “Not at this time” doesn’t mean " never" and the last vague statement was “we are discussing it”.

Keep in mind, they said " you think you do, but you don’t" about classic to begin with…lol

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It was a general comment about companies and products in general … Would have shown that. And you know what they say about assuming.

It was in reference to another problem blizzard had created and let fester… leveling with no RDF. And their answer is sale a boost at the cost of an expansion. A level 80 boost in wrath. For the same wrath, which still doesn’t have the wrath feature of rdf AND can’t find the time to fix exploits and bugs that had gone on for months.

But people willing to pay that much, just means the status quo will continue, which is the m.o. of multiple companies and products.

Sadly, they will probably spend that ridiculous amount to be forced in cata s few months down the road.

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I thought it was in the WoTLK announcement video they did. Maybe my memory is fuzzy since it was quite some time ago but I believe the lead dev said something like “we have heard your feedback and we will NOT be adding the RDF into the game”.

But yeah, with dungeons being more trivial at this point in the game - I hope they eventually implement it or at least some sort of improvements to the current dungeon finder.

It might actually be the system setting you as tank… it happens to me on my ret every… single… group… i… join. There is absolutely nothing set to tank on my end and when I join the group it sets it to tank. It never fails.


Yeah that wouldn’t surprise me the entire thing is just a buggy mess. I also super love how it will randomly convert to a raid then not let you switch back to normal or not let me invite people when the group isn’t full.

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Really. You got to think about what server, what faction and the time of day? I dont ever want to smoke what you do.

And making a group isnt difficult. I join dps started and lead groups all the time. But i do have the holy healing privilege. Imagine the majority claiming to be the minority with a tool like rfd.

I get it. You want a sit back and do nothing button. Just roll a heal or tank like i did and have been for over a decade. I did go back to lock for bc but i couldnt resist. But back to healing wotlk.

Just do it. Heal or tank. And together we csn rule the galaxy

Its on your talent tree. Theres a button you click to switch.

I didn’t say you had to think about it, I said it impacts your ability to form a group.


Hitting a button to join a group is a bad thing now? Somehow spamming your gearscore is superior? Being told your gear isn’t good enough, your spec sucks, or whatever else makes the game better?

Hey, if you’re into that you can still keep manually forming your own groups. RDF doesn’t prevent that in the slightest.


Healer here. Most of my playtime at 80 is spent trying to get into a group

Your solution isn’t


There’s a few things at work:

  • The introduction of H+ and now H++ disincentivize running normal Heroics. Especially with ++ often being easier than +.
  • Player knowledge of the game/addons is higher, so players aren’t spread across content as much as last time and are clumped more towards the current tier of content.
  • More players leveled alts in Classic/TBC than the previous go around (especially with boost runs), so people have fewer alts to level this time.
  • Gearscore was available right from the start and was much faster seeing ubiquitous use, compared to OG Wrath, where it didn’t really catch on until after ICC.
  • Because of increased player/addon knowledge, players have higher expectations. Which combines with a lack of patience and increased irritability in people overall in 2023 compared to 2009 (which has IRL causes more than in-game, so not gonna touch that).

All of this makes them refusing to add LFD a royal pain in the tush.

Especially since most people I’ve talked to about it object more to LFR and/or x-realm, and were fine with LFD.

At the very least, I feel LFD for pre-80 content would be nice.

Sadly, pretty sure Activision’s backed themselves into an imagined corner, on this.


My dude.

You literally chose a playstyle based on doing what people who refuse to play a playstyle they don’t like to do just to get the privilege you’re trying to deny them.

Like, it’s mindboggling. You huffed that “I’m doing you a service” drug way too hard.


I actually think I figured out what the issue is with it changing your role. At least in my case. The system doesnt look at what you listed yourself as and then just puts you as that selected role when you join a group, it looks at your “primary spec” when you join a group and sets your role as that. Thats literally the only thing I can think of since my “ret” spec is in my secondary spec slot. My primary spec was set to tank even though its holy.

And it was set to damage. The tool sets your role based on your primary spec most likely and not what you selected within the tool. Incompetent Blizzard at it again.


They said in a fairly recent interview they’ve been talking about it internally but that we didn’t get it till icc originally so it’d be icc at the earliest in classic. They never said we’ll get it but they’re looking at it as an option it seems, and quite frankly I’ll be amazed if we don’t get it.

There was also a Scottejaye video where he talked about a survey that was sent out to people about cata. If I remember right the survey talked about lfr but not rdf. I really can’t see them considering lfr if we don’t have rdf, so it makes me think we’ll get rdf in icc, before cata.


Weirdly enough, I can.

As far as I’m concerned that’d be right on the money with how in touch with their playerbase they are :stuck_out_tongue:


I could see them not wanting LFR, because they’d rather players just keep doing GDKPs, since that spurs on gold buying.


LFR wouldn’t really interfere with that since it doesn’t share a lockout with the regular raids.

At best it’d get people slightly more geared and ready to do GDKPs.

Wouldn’t surprise me. I mean if cata is coming they will want to rope players in.

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