Random Dungeon Finder

People that would do gdkps will still do them, still the best way to get the gear that they want.

Lfr just opens up content and gold making abilities. If anything, gdkps will be more popular…since they will be a bunch of randoms fighting over drops. Just, more people will have more gold to play with (without buying it legal or illegally).

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True. If LFR isn’t in Cata then it’s probably the same reason RDF isn’t in Wrath: the incompetent Classic team can’t be bothered to get it to work right.

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If we do end up getting the RDF tool in ICC it could shed light on if/when they would choose to release LFR.
Considering both features were released around the same relative raid tier in comparison. (continually forgetting RS)

If they do include LFR I imagine it would still only be for the one raid, Dragon Soul, and not have the previous raids adapted to it.

Well, they have the code so its not an issue of getting it to work. It’s an issue of wanting to allow it to work.


They will have to see if their guildies want it first.


It can’t be that, because my secondary spec is healing and it’s what people always invite me for. I think it’s easier to say the tool is just broken, period, no rhyme or reason behind it


Might be. Ill be doing a daily when i get home and will see if it changes my role or not.

Only Blizzard knows and they don’t use their own forum except to dump a copy/paste then leave right afterwards. They are 99% 1 way communication, the mentality being, “we don’t give a crap about feedback nor even look at any of it unless it’s in our sycophantic council section most people can’t post in.”

They also have a history of saying one thing and later doing the exact opposite. Assuming they do RDF, it’ll probably just drop in one week with no prior announcement what so ever because they often can’t even be bothered to tell us what’s being done with the game.


What a wasted opportunity…

All they had to do was leave it as is :joy:


Or worse, like when they did the feral buff.

Feral buff happens without a word.

Promises to communicate better, oh deary me, we so sowwy.

Token drops without a word.

Amazes me anyone believes anything Blizzard says at this point :stuck_out_tongue:


I personally on wednesdays (due to TZ, patch/reboot tuesday has me log in wednesday night) check to see the magical day Buy boost is a live option.

IF that comes…it will probably come unannounced. Like most things have. Okay, it will be announced by wowhead reporting it, then the blue post after its live for 12 hours.

The marketting team it seeems have not worked when devs turn stuff on it usually comes on for OCE TZ first.

Oh we can post this up at 0800 on Tuesday for the 0900 turn on PST. This is what marketing seems to think.

Issue is this is usually turned on say 0900 OCE timezone. Like up to 16 hours prior to the PST tz of cali.

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And when it does drop it’ll probably be buggy AF, look at how buggy the LFG Tool was when they released that which should have just been a copy paste of the retail tool which works fine(and still kinda sucks for that matter)


Hell at this point I probably wouldn’t mind RDF or even Raid Finder. A lot of causals would stop feeding the GDKP drip and maybe slow it down from becoming all anyone does in Classic versions going forward.


It fix low levels. When I do see someting on grobb levelers in the 20’s I blow them off now. Don’t want to walk to it, ad is not filling up as I dip out of wth BG’s, lots of things have me go nah.

Like on the paladin. I ain’t paying to level my smith and copper and tin at AH prices. Its not like higher level stuff gets better either.

I’d rather hit nodes as I quest. So I don’t even look at prot for that paladin. I stay ret and mine and quest. Thank elune for BG anywhere. WSG or AB hits and back to where I was.

If really lucky match lasted enough nodes restocked and not picked by others even.


Me and my 6 friends straight up wont return to wrath or come back for cata until there’s a real dungeon finder. It’s just too much of a deal breaker to us.


Dang you got 6 more friends than me.

Blizz: “Ok, so we have the most successful expansion in the game’s (and mmo genre’s) history. Time to make radical changes!!!”



The LFG tool is poorly designed too. Now its listing me as healer when I joined the group now that my “primary spec” is listed as healer. Instead of when you get a group you are what you list yourself as, it looks at your primary spec (confirmed) and changes what you selected based on what that spec is set to.

So to fix this I would have to either swap my primary and secondary specs, or just change my primary spec role. Why it even looks at your primary spec makes absolutely no sense. It shouldnt be doing that. This just really highlights how bad the system is and how incompetent these devs actually are.


It makes perfect sense to me, but then, if I was a professor I’d be failing all the interns working on classic atm.

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It doesnt make sense… if its going to look at your primary spec why do you have to pick a role? You just say to list yourself and it assigns the role for you based on your primary spec. But thats not what happens, it only changes your role when you join a group to that of your primary spec. If my “primary” spec slot is holy even though I want to dps, then it will set my role AFTER I join the group to healer.